Google voice application maker fumes at Apple

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Apple fanboy gutted

A self confessed “Apple Fanboy†said he is gutted by the fact that Steve Jobs has yanked his Google Voice related software from its App Store.

Kevin Duerr, the chief executive of Riverturn, said he was “knocked to the core" when an Apple representative told him that his application that let iPhone users log in to the Google Voice service, had been removed from the App Store. The reason was that Steve felt that VoiceCentral "duplicated features of the iPhone" and refused to tell him what his developers could change to meet Apple's requirements. In fact he would not even tell Duerr what features of the app were duplicates.

VoiceCentral was approved by Apple for the App Store in late April, and although it had not sold in large numbers, sales had been on an upswing in the last few weeks, Duerr said. For some reason Duerr believed that if he got through to someone in Apple, the outfit would “actually talk to himâ€. A typical fanboy he believed that the company was actually reasonable. Er, no it isn't. And no they have not returned his calls.

Apple makes a fortune on the back of iPhone developers who flog stuff through their App store. However it does have a problem in thinking that they are fanboys who will do what they are told rather than people who are out to make a bit of cash. In his blog Duerr said he knew it was Apple, and they love their shroud of secrecy, but he didn't understand it in this line of business.

"What's the harm in telling developers why an app has been rejected or pulled from the App Store? Other than the volume of apps that are submitted, I don't see the problem with taking action.â€

He now says that the iPhone platform is probably not worth supporting. It would be difficult for him to authorise spending money on iPhone development when it can be yanked on the whim of Apple with no explanation. To make matters worse, Apple is now giving refunds to people who bought the software because not it does not work. The software does work but Apple has yanked it.

Not surprisingly Apple is saying nothing about Duerr's claims.

Hope a lawsuit is filed and Apple learn their lessons the hard way what happens when you try to monopolize over your business. Although am not really sure if Google Voice is going to work in India anytime soon. Anybody got a clue?
Apple used to be consumer minded and that is what made them, what they are today. But, as with every company getting famous they have changed tracks.
sharktale1212 said:
Apple used to be consumer minded and that is what made them, what they are today. But, as with every company getting famous they have changed tracks.

Apple was never consumer minded, No business ever is. They just care about the money Its just that Apple used to market themselves in such a say that the consumers thought that apple cared about them.
Firefox4 said:
Hope a lawsuit is filed and Apple learn their lessons the hard way what happens when you try to monopolize over your business. Although am not really sure if Google Voice is going to work in India anytime soon. Anybody got a clue?

Google has gone on record saying that plan to role out Google Voice/Grand Central in many more target markets. However, they are yet to specify a timeframe for the same.
stalker said:
Google has gone on record saying that plan to role out Google Voice/Grand Central in many more target markets. However, they are yet to specify a timeframe for the same.

assume 1.5 to 2 years minimum.

yeah i know. it suks to be in india
^^ yup... I signed up for Google Voice months ago and finally just received my invite a couple of weeks ago. I can now call the UK through the Google "Google Voice" app from my G1 for 2c a min. I can finally get rid of my land line. I put $10.00 on my google voice account 2 weeks ago and I still haven't even used half of it in more than 3 hrs of overseas and Canadian phone calls.
I registered last week.Got my invitation in less than a day and was happy till I got to know that they dont have the app for my Iphone :( Damn u apple.
dit:- downloaded it through cydia :)
nothing will be done to apple .. and ppl will soon forget abt this :(..their latest antics were to block a dictionary .. shows how low they can get :no:
PiXeLpUsHeR said:
^^ yup... I signed up for Google Voice months ago and finally just received my invite a couple of weeks ago. I can now call the UK through the Google "Google Voice" app from my G1 for 2c a min. I can finally get rid of my land line. I put $10.00 on my google voice account 2 weeks ago and I still haven't even used half of it in more than 3 hrs of overseas and Canadian phone calls.
where can i find tariffs for google voice
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