Mac OS Got bored, Come watch OS X own all

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alsiladka said:
Uhh.. Which version of OS X you comparing XP with?


I havn't used Mac, but i am no fan of XP on the modern hardware. It wasn't developed & optimized with 1GB+ RAM in mind. Its complete stupidity to have a modern dual core + 2GB Ram system and running XP. Waste of resources.

XP SP3 on my C2D, 2GB RAM runs much smoother and much stable than Vista.

The scenario out there today is nowhere like it was more than 6 years back when XP was released. I think Xp was released in 01, thats nearly 8 years from today. The whole system did not utilise as much RAM then as a single browses with multiple tabs does today.

Yeah and in those 8 years MS could only manage to come up with a bloated and crappy version of windows i.e. Vista, which by far is the worst windows release ever, and don't say YOU disagree, it doesn't matter cuz its already out there everywhere.
And so it gave another reason to users to switch to Leopard which in turn resulted in significant increase in number of Mac users worldwide.

The point is, Windows users are left with no option but to stick to XP and till Win7's final build releases with its n iterations, its still tough to say how better it actually is than Vista.

10 chars..
superczar said:
Do NOT do that
OS X (based on a unix core) is meant to run 24X7, and you'll be doing your notebook a big favor by just closing the lid when not using it (unless you don't intend to use it for several days)
Why? OS X is a damn software. And I think I'm doing my MacBook at least a bit of favor by shutting it down when I dont need it. Like hours.

alsiladka said:
The whole system did not utilise as much RAM then as a single browses with multiple tabs does today.
Speaking of which, I have managed to boot XP at 26 MB RAM on a Virtual Machine. Does that change the scenario at all?
Ey! Wait a minute. Whats with terming Vista as a bad OS, worst Windows and the like? Vista is good. Just not good enough to give any serious competition to OS X.
bikalpapaudel said:
Ey! Wait a minute. Whats with terming Vista as a bad OS, worst Windows and the like? Vista is good. Just not good enough to give any serious competition to OS X.

Really, stop commenting with out any proof or backing for your statements..
bikalpapaudel said:
Just not good enough to give any serious competition to OS X.

For me, its the other way around, on a fairly powerful Mac running both Operating Systems, Vista was a lot more stable and faster than Leopard. As I said before, the only OS X release that's better than Windows XP and Vista is OS X Panther. Tiger and Leopard are inconsistent. For some tasks they are fast, but for heavy duty tasks, they are lot more unstable and performance unpredictable.
Why? OS X is a damn software. And I think I'm doing my MacBook at least a bit of favor by shutting it down when I dont need it. Like hours.

err, fact IIRC, even apple advises you not to shutdown the system unless you will not be using it for days altogether

It's a OS alright but one that is extremely tightly integrated with the hardware it runs on, which also means that the OS has a very tight control on the power management and can handle sleep cycles a lot better than other hardware

Couple of reasons why

a) OS X has system maintenance scripts that run on a daily/weekly/monthly interval..shutting down your system interferes with that process

b) Unlike most Windows laptops, Sleep works beautifully well on OS X

Say your battery is at 90%, sleep the system, wake it up after 6 hrs and it will still be around 85ish% or so

Just in case you ware worried it may kill your batter faster than otherwise, it really won't since it reduces the startup load on the battery and offsets any additional discharge losses resulting from leaving it on all the time

Shutting down systems is a Windows legacy that we refuse to grow out of...Give it a shot, and you won't ever go back
Thanks Pat.

@Party Monger.. Dude, I used a computer for the first time few weeks ago. I'm a newbie noob. So nothing I say can be used against me! :P

Wait. You mean Like I sleep at 10 and wake at 7 AM, I should rather prefer to keep it running all night?

OS X doesnt run Maintainence scripts when the Mac is on Sleep, so?

Dude, this is really hard to grasp. Dont the electricals, say capacitors age up quicker this way? And stuff like that?

Okay, its healthier for the operating system. But doesnt it affect the hardware even a bit? Repairing a Mac can get costly, which is why I fear damages. It might age out sooner, that is.

Maybe I'm pulling all this too far.
here's another discussion on the same topic

Apple - Support - Discussions - putting to sleep vs shutting down ...

BTW , the uber sweet and bulletproof sleep mode on the MB is one of the key reasons why I ain't shifting back to Windows , or at least in the near future


Wait. You mean Like I sleep at 10 and wake at 7 AM, I should rather prefer to keep it running all night?

Yepper sir!

Also, OS X doesnt run Maintainence scripts when the Mac is on Sleep, so?

Not 100% sure of it, but I do know that a freshly restarted system feels distinctly more sluggish than a woken up system

Dude, this is really hard to grasp. Dont the electricals, say capacitors age up quicker this way? And stuff like that?

if at all they do, the effect is miniscule enough not to cause any damage in the lifetieme of the notebook..and if you were to really be anal about it, the start-up charging and shutdown discharges on the caps load em more than maintaining a stable equilibrium charged state
Thanks for the Link. Yes, even I love the Sleep feature. I just could not take it as a replacement for Shutting down. Will try tho! :)
Most employees in our company use the sleep mode with their Mac Book Pro's while leaving for home. However lately, the local Apple Service Center and our own IT - Team has been discouraging that practice.

Recently my lead's Mac Book Pro stopped working and he took it to the Service Center to get it fixed. They told him that some "logic board" got crapped and informed him that many people from our company were bringing in laptops with the same problem. I didn't get what their mention of "logic board" referred to, but they attributed the problem to extensive usage of sleep mode, Our IT - Team has followed followed suit and started discouraging that practice now.
^ Logic Board is the Motherboard. At least thats what I have been interpreting it as. It is used widely. I havent heard anyone speaking about a Mac's 'motherboard'..
Recently my lead's Mac Book Pro stopped working and he took it to the Service Center to get it fixed. They told him that some "logic board" got crapped and informed him that many people from our company were bringing in laptops with the same problem. I didn't get what their mention of "logic board" referred to, but they attributed the problem to extensive usage of sleep mode, Our IT - Team has followed followed suit and started discouraging that practice now.

Kinda surprising, coz have never heard of this phenomenon ever on the intraweb ..a mobo crapping out is one thing, but attributing it to sleep is plain weird

Anyway, why don't you get an extended 3 yr warranty Bikal, you can get it for pretty cheap if you look around on ebay (US)

it's just a code that you register on the apple website so there is no shipping etc involved, and you can get it for 30-40% of the list price on ebay
bikalpapaudel said:
@Party Monger.. Dude, I used a computer for the first time few weeks ago. I'm a newbie noob. So nothing I say can be used against me! :P

Hehe..You're one fine chap.. Just dont come to conclusions too early, without having experienced everything, you might hav to eat your words soon..:P

Jus hav a look at win7 or read what the members have written abt it..
superczar said:
Kinda surprising, coz have never heard of this phenomenon ever on the intraweb ..a mobo crapping out is one thing, but attributing it to sleep is plain weird

Actually no. My MBP's mobo crapped out and apple attributed it to excessive/improper usage of the sleep mode. Heck, it died while it was resuming from the sleep mode. One of the factors is the bad heat ventilation of these machines. Try to put them in sleep mode with heavy apps open and watch the time is takes to do it. I've experienced several kernel panics when trying to put the machine in sleep mode too. When I was in Cupertino, one of the reps told me that these heat issues arise from a very simple reason: The users close the lid of their laptops to put it in sleep mode and immediately put the laptops in their bags, thereby stopping all heat escape while the laptop is going to sleep. I laughed at this.
I used to use Sleep mode extensively on my iBook G4, hardly ever I shut it down in night. But lately, even I don't follow that practice. The reason it different though... As I've gotten more n more energy conscious lately, I shut down everything when not in use. Earlier I use to use sleep mode on my desktop as well, but now I don't. If I'm not using it, it's turned off. Lights, fan and other things in my house are not spared... why should computers get any different treatment. :P
The users close the lid of their laptops to put it in sleep mode and immediately put the laptops in their bags, thereby stopping all heat escape while the laptop is going to sleep

that sounds logical though

i usually do check the power light is flashing before putting it in a bag
Smith said:
Actually no. My MBP's mobo crapped out and apple attributed it to excessive/improper usage of the sleep mode. Heck, it died while it was resuming from the sleep mode. One of the factors is the bad heat ventilation of these machines. Try to put them in sleep mode with heavy apps open and watch the time is takes to do it. I've experienced several kernel panics when trying to put the machine in sleep mode too. When I was in Cupertino, one of the reps told me that these heat issues arise from a very simple reason: The users close the lid of their laptops to put it in sleep mode and immediately put the laptops in their bags, thereby stopping all heat escape while the laptop is going to sleep. I laughed at this.

My lead's MBP crapped out under exactly the same conditions. i.e while trying to resume from sleep mode. But putting the MBP in the bag before it cools down cannot be the only reason. Everyday, my lead goes for a round or two of Table Tenni's or Carrom's. He closes the lid on the MBP before that and returns after about 30min to an hour which I guess should be enough time for the MBP to cool down.
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