Government's 'Har Hath Main Phone' Scheme Promises One Mobile Phone For Poor Families

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The government is planning a new scheme called " Har Hath Me Phone " in which it plans to give one mobile phone to every family living below the poverty line .


According to TOI , the scheme which will cost Rs 7000 crore is expected to be announced by PM Manmohan Singh on 15th August .
The plan is to give around 6 million mobile phones to BPL households along with 200 min of free talktime .

completely useless.
7k crore & 200 min TT, pure BS... :facepalm:
these days everyone owns one as its available from one grand and some even less.
its better they reduce the EB bill or others.

never seen anyone without a mobile except small children.
Providing mobile phones to those Indians who probably have no access to electricity. What a pathetic country we live in.
Seriously, if they give 2 time food to ppl below poverty line then it make sense.

PS : Politics in India is the highest earning post which doesn't have any competitive exam to go into it :D , correct me if I am wrong
Politics is a Creative Job. Every now and then you have to come up with plans that are completely useless to people but sound awesome and should cost 1/100000th of the estimated price . Regular people like you and me cannot come up with something like that even if we think for years together.
A Raja can help in procuring phones and 2 months down the lane we can hear news of new scam and phones bursting into flames.
With rising prices of all commodities, this government has already been running some scheme like "Har haath me katora" for the poorer sections, albeit implicitly. Looks like someone implicated in a scam already wants us to forget the older scams once this new scam unfurls.
Seriously how do these ministers come up with new ways of corruption and minting money. Instead of providing people access to basic amenities, Govt. is aiming for the vote-banks with such freebies. No power, no food, no water, no education and people below poverty line would talk with each other on mobile :annoyed:. So why not do something to bring these people above the BPL? There should be an immediate PIL against this move.
This is like that remark - "If you don't have bread eat cake".
Shows how well the govt is in touch with reality. Probably they're in their own dreamland thinking everyone's rich and knows how to use mobiles.
I saw NDTV news yesterday, and a news reporter was asking such poor people like a rope maker, a cobbler, and a basket weaver what they would use it for if they got a mobile phone for free from the govt. All these guys earn less than 10-15 rupees a day and most of the time they don't have anything to eat. Their expressions said it all. One said he would sell it off for food or money cause it wasn't of much use to him since he couldn't read or write and hence couldn't use it. The other said the same thing that he didn't go to school and couldn't read or write. The third hadn't even heard or seen a mobile in her life.

This government is the worst i seen till now. totally stupid morons. i hope they never again win the country's elections. they waste money on such useless schemes and then say they dont have money and raise taxes on everything. tomorrow they will even tax people for shitting in a toilet at home.
7000 crore / 6 million = 11,667. Phone will cost 500 bucks. Where is the rest of the money going?

Do you seriously believe all the people will get phones :P

Once Bill Clinton invited Lalu Prasad to see his country. Lalu was surprised and asked him how he managed to make so much money in such a small time. Bill Clinton told him: 'Can you see that bridge? 40% money in bridge and 60% in my pocket.'

After a few months, Lalu invited Bill tp India. Bill was surprised by his progress and was forced to ask how he managed to make so much money in such a small time. Laloo took him to an open space and asked: 'can you see that bridge?' Bill answered: 'No, I can't see any bridge, there is no bridge there.'

Lalu answered: '100% money in my pocket and no bridge'!
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