Employees earning more than Rs10 lakh a year, get ready to pay more tax. The finance ministry is likely to increase the tax rate in the salary slab over Rs10 lakh per annum to 35-40% from 30% now.
A bigger hit awaits those earning more than Rs20 lakh a year. The ministry is considering a new income tax slab for this segment — accordingly, income above Rs20 lakh is to be charged tax at 50%.
Would that hurt? Let’s see.
Say you earn Rs25 lakh a year. At current I-T slabs (excluding deductions, cess and surcharge), the tax payable works out to Rs5.8 lakh. At the new slabs (35-40% on income between Rs10 lakh and Rs20 lakh, and 50% on income above Rs20 lakh), you will end up paying Rs1.5-2 lakh more in taxes.
Tax scythe looms over Rs10 lakh+paycheques - Money - DNA
Man this is Insane. How can they Expect us to pay 50% Tax on your Income Tax?
I believe we're not in Germany or London?
Service Tax to 14%? :lemmings:The government is looking at an increase in excise duty on most goods and service taxes by two percentage points to 14%, a move that could make most consumer products, including cars and white goods such as refrigerators, costlier. The higher duty would also make nearly all services dearer but will earn the exchequer Rs. 30,000-40,000 crore to fund welfare schemes to spin jobs and generate income in an election year.
Excise duty, service tax may go up - Hindustan Times