Govt panel for levy on e-com through emails, blogs

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The corporate loans that we had to write off were all from UPA period and were just being rolled over. The RBI ensured either they were recovered or declared bad so that banks do not give them anymore loans, else it just continues. This move was supported by current government

It's not just Modi that is the problem, its no guarantee post Modi. These investments are long term and the current unwillingness of the govt to remove such a law and make it certain is the issue. Noody wants extra risk, they are looking to reduce it.

But govts are wont to give up taxing possibilities.

In the end this is just a panel, there is more work to do and remember if they pass anything that meets with disapproval they will retreat. See the PF and jewelers.

The country's finances are not in a good state. this administration has to fix the problems caused by the previous one. On top of that we had two drought years. They need to raise money whatever way they can and people are going to push back.
So there are only two reasons FDI is not coming in - PRevious govt and upcoming govt. LOL I find the excuses made on behalf of Modi very entertaining. Blame everyone buy their own incompetence.

Drough years have been there on and off. What do they people do to tackle droughts? There are set models across the word, measures we can take but who'l do that? You need someone like AAP that has the foresight and the belief in good work. Like they are dedicating insane amounts to education etc. Its a mindset mate. BJP will never learn that midnset cause they are just another congress. They will tax the people till they are thrown out.
The corporate loans that we had to write off were all from UPA period and were just being rolled over. The RBI ensured either they were recovered or declared bad so that banks do not give them anymore loans, else it just continues. This move was supported by current government
That's bullshit. There is no such document saying that. For a loan to go bad it takes 3 months. Yes a loan taken 3 months back can become a bad loan. these are all mixed loans.

And it would have been the same had it been the BJP instead of Congress. For example Congress gave Mallya loans, BJP gave him a seat in the Rajya Sabha! Look at all the exemptions Ambani gets. There are Accounting standards that arent being notified cause that would spoil the Ambani balancesheets and loss of repute means higher cost of borrowing money. BJP and congress are the same. Because they all have their own agenda they need truck loads of money to win elections and that money comes from the corporates for whom they then make/change laws. Look at Reliance Jio. And on going public mockery of the Govt and rules. Same with Art of Living. The guy who refused to pay fines imposed by govt body is being given awards and the shitty PM backs him cause he supported him in 2014 elections. Politics is bad game, you will always be the loser. Dont support parties, support your own interest. The parties will then have to change.
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I am not interested in bull shit, and my response clearly mentioned it was RBIs push to declare bad roll over loan as NPAs. A personal loan becomes bad after 3 months, not a corporate loan, please come out of your bubble.
So there are only two reasons FDI is not coming in - PRevious govt and upcoming govt. LOL I find the excuses made on behalf of Modi very entertaining. Blame everyone buy their own incompetence.
FDI is coming in just not in the amounts desired. Does not matter. Do you know what is considered success every time they hold fairs to attract investors ? 10%. That's all.

Drough years have been there on and off. What do they people do to tackle droughts? There are set models across the word, measures we can take but who'l do that?
Do tell, your state is facing one. Requires water flow, that water has to go through channels. Those channels need land acquired, they need capital to build. To top it all if you're a lower riparian the state upstream has to release enough water so you can get your share. If they face a drought you get less.

This is a huge problem. The test of whether a govt stays or goes is the agricultural sector must show a growth of 10% since they came into office. Fail to do that and its curtains. Nobody gives a hoot about ideology. Best leader whatever. Gone. Period.

We have had PM's who wanted to do this, morarji desai was one, Modi is another. No other leader gave a damn. Now saying is better than not saying. But realising would be still better :)

BJP will never learn that midnset cause they are just another congress. They will tax the people till they are thrown out.
In 2013 the budget deficit was 5% of GDP. iow high. Why because of the consumption led growth we followed post 2009. There was no alternative the world economy went into a tailspin, we had to stimulate growth some how. The Chinese did the same and are now wobbling.

To attract FDI requires an expectation of return. if nobody is buying then why invest. China has a lot of spare capacity, who wants to compete with that.
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I am appalled though, that if different countries can come together and join their rivers, like Europe did, why can't that be done in our country. It has been the need of the hour for decades now. We face floods and droughts in the same year and obviously one problem is the solution to the other.
It sounds logical but comes with a lot of challenges regarding forest and wildlife and also land acquisitions. Some state in South has managed to merge some river, not impossible
It sounds logical but comes with a lot of challenges regarding forest and wildlife and also land acquisitions. Some state in South has managed to merge some river, not impossible

also the medha patkars and arundhati roys will be putting up tents there, to say they are helping the corporates, exploiting the poor.
Didn't get any notification for replies. :S
anyway an article by
Side-Effects of Digital India – Emails, Blogs, Downloads Shall be
Soon Taxed Under Ecommerce Levy
0.5% cess on oxygen. Details: The government spends crores of rupees on planting trees and engaging police and other security staff to look after the forests. This cess is a means to help pay these staff. lol. Should make a fine fakingnews article.
I am not interested in bull shit, and my response clearly mentioned it was RBIs push to declare bad roll over loan as NPAs. A personal loan becomes bad after 3 months, not a corporate loan, please come out of your bubble.
There is no such differentiation between corporates and personal loans. Corporates only get an extra Corporate Debt Restructuring (CDR) which is what banks use to perpetuate loans to a point where nothing can be recovered.

FDI is coming in just not in the amounts desired. Does not matter. Do you know what is considered success every time they hold fairs to attract investors ? 10%. That's all.
FDI was coming during congress rule too. Its always coming. Investors dont wait for govt jumlas when they see an opportunity.

Do tell, your state is facing one. Requires water flow, that water has to go through channels. Those channels need land acquired, they need capital to build. To top it all if you're a lower riparian the state upstream has to release enough water so you can get your share. If they face a drought you get less.
This is a huge problem. The test of whether a govt stays or goes is the agricultural sector must show a growth of 10% since they came into office. Fail to do that and its curtains. Nobody gives a hoot about ideology. Best leader whatever. Gone. Period.
Here's one -
There are plenty more. But the simple thing is these governments dont have the problem solving capacity. Retarded uneducated idiots that are elected will not solve problems with scientific temperament. They'll be busy with hindutva or jihads or other communal shit or just filling their pockets. Water is a precious resources but nothing that cant be revitalised with a little effort. Simple stuff like ground water table revitalisation can give you a lot of relief. But these people only solve problems where money can be thrown and problems solved. Look at Delhi. Had it been the BJP Something like Odd-even would have never happened. Aholes from BJP come back and say but the decline in pollution was only 10-20%. Well thats still 10% less than what it would have been had you been elected aholes. And the future is open to all sorts of ideas now that it has worked and got overwhelming support. Point again is simple - I can go on all day typing things here, but there is so much wrong with BJP, congress that there is no option but to find someone totally new.

We have had PM's who wanted to do this, morarji desai was one, Modi is another. No other leader gave a damn. Now saying is better than not saying. But realising would be still better :)
Saying and doing are two different things. IMO someone who says and doesnt do and someone who doesnt say, arent any different.

In 2013 the budget deficit was 5% of GDP. iow high. Why because of the consumption led growth we followed post 2009. There was no alternative the world economy went into a tailspin, we had to stimulate growth some how. The Chinese did the same and are now wobbling.
To attract FDI requires an expectation of return. if nobody is buying then why invest. China has a lot of spare capacity, who wants to compete with that.
Yes, but lets forget that for a moment and ask have we been able to create an atmosphere thats even conducive to business? That provides a base for the businesses? Trained workforce? Ease of doing business? A tax system thats not predatory? A govt that's committed to reforms?

Its current state of affairs is so sad, its actually funny. The idiot doesnt even have shame that he isnt fulfilling any of his promises and comes every week with Mann ki baat where is ignores everything that the nation actually wants him to talk about. Silence has replaced all that pre election bravado and 56inch boobs.
0.5% cess on oxygen. Details: The government spends crores of rupees on planting trees and engaging police and other security staff to look after the forests. This cess is a means to help pay these staff. lol. Should make a fine fakingnews article.

You (and much of the world) have been paying oxygen tax for a while. The laws go under euphemisms like Carbon tax and Emission trading.
The end consumer will always bear the brunt.

This. Regardless who you people think is the target of the tax, all taxes are passed on to the individuals. Businesses don't pay taxes. Whether its sales tax or service tax or whatever other tax, its all passed on to the individuals.

Add a new tax or increase a tax by 5 Rs on a business and the cost of the product or service will be increased by 20 Rs directly or indirectly. You would end up paying their 5 Rs tax and add a 15 Rs bonus for the business in the process.

Any tax imposed on any Indian or foreign business by Indian govt is a tax indirectly imposed on the people of this country.
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So what's the solution? Tax no one or Tax everyone( work in progress to include new entities under tax net) ?
@Party Monger .. If building water reservoirs is so simple you don't you take it up? A lot of corporates have CSR budgets and with right solution they would be happy to invest.
So what's the solution? Tax no one or Tax everyone( work in progress to include new entities under tax net) ?
Taxes are needed for obvious reasons, just don't tax everything under the sun because you can or the govt. (regardless of which party they belong to) thinks they can generate some revenue off of them. And don't tax things which can cause more damage than good. That said, the Swacch Bharat cess is the most useless tax ever!
So what's the solution? Tax no one or Tax everyone( work in progress to include new entities under tax net) ?
Yeah? lol your incompetent jumlaman maybe needs to take lessons then from Kejriwal? ... this guy has turned out to be the biggest disappointment in the history.

The Delhi government success in mobilising resources is borne out by the budget numbers on growth of tax revenues. For instance the total tax collections of the Delhi government rose by a record 17% in 2015-16, which is substantially larger than the meagre 2.6% growth in the state tax collections in the previous year 2014-15. While growth of excise duties went up almost four fold to 31%, growth of stamps and registration fees picked up by 21% as against the 4.3% fall in the previous year. Similarly luxury tax collections went up by 36.7% while entertainment tax collections went up by 60%. These are numbers that are not usually seen even in the case of dream budgets.​


All people care about are actual results, and this guy's results seem consistent with an uneducated chaiwala that fooled people based on jumlas.

@Party Monger .. If building water reservoirs is so simple you don't you take it up? A lot of corporates have CSR budgets and with right solution they would be happy to invest.
Are you saying the govt is so incompetent that people will have to do such mainstream work to save our resources? Then why pay taxes? So Modi can go on Holidays abroad? LOL at the excuses given by bhakts. Not everyone has your IQ mate. Come back with some better retorts.
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