When i read this was wondering so why can't it be replicated elsewhere. The answer is below
Show us . Solving a district's problems in one state is good but there are many more. What can be done there ?
Why can't Hazare's success be replicated in other areas of your state.
See this is the problem. Some one gives a solution and you will nitpick that solution, instead of trying to understand the broader point.
Here are more ways to replenish the water table -> http://www.unep.or.jp/ietc/publications/techpublications/techpub-8e/artificial.asp
And this is just the first few results I picked off google.
The problem is who is going out there and scientifically reasearching what can be done in which area? You can go with johads in areas that are conducive to it. Other methods like Recharge wells can be used at other places. Question you need to ask is whether this govt is trying to actively solve problems where they might not get much accolades or immediate benefits? Do they really care about improving the situation? I think not.
Modi doesnt pay you (I hope) or me. Look out for the best options for yourself. These problems will become huge over time.
The govt talks about cooperative and competitive federalism. If one state does better it gains an advantage that motivates others to follow. If for anything the people would demand it. As far as i'm concerned there is no water shortage in India, never has been. We'd never be able to sustain as large a population otherwise. The problem is management and wastage. Woeful inefficiency and planning.
Yeah you can see great examples of co-operative federalism. Sending CBI to Delhi CM's office. Presidents rule in some congress states. Manufacturing revolts, horse trading etc. If they actually put any of the words you mention into action, instead of repeating it like a broken record i'd not be complaining. But let me assume that they are, just to point out the flaw - Is the govt of India, the biggest power in india with a proper machinery to affect change, going to just sit about and do nothing and leave it on states to compete? What sense does that make? Adopt the states where the conditions are bad, help them cope with it. Make available scientific talent to assist those states in making strategies to counter those problems. Its insane that you use competition as a excuse to not work. If something bad happens, "Oh they weren't competitive enough". This is not a bunch of companies competing. There are real large scale consequences here.
Now if johads can come about without any govt participation why do these people have to be replaced, so long as they don't interfere ? But if a movement becomes powerful it becomes a threat. A competitor. Successes that cannot be attributed to their rule are not in their interest regardless of who is in office.
I cant believe you said the first part. People can survive with out the govt. You need food, water and shelter. Why do we need the govt then? Cause a combined effort and pooling of resources creates an unparalleled impact. Cause govt with its machinery can make things happen on a much wider scale with economies of scale and in a much shorter duration and all of it in a planned way. Imagine States that have dealt with droughts for decades can be given relief by these. How can you even suggest that govt should not aid if not adopt such measures? Jeesus, why even have a govt then if they have to be bye-standers in important life and death matters like water conservation and drought relief?
And aboutt he BJp forget about the hindutva bs. those are just he die hards that need a pr show every now & then. BJP followed an investment led growth plan the last time. That growth continued after they left office because the commies blocked congress from messing with it. The idea is the same. Attract investment and keep on doing it. World is watching. This will necessrily come at the expense of the exchequer. Some people dont like that. They want this place to remain a protectionist fortress.
And about cancer, forget that it can kill you. The medication will introduce you to toxic radiation and you can have a smooth bald head, sooner than you've ever had. >_>
Modi is Hindutva. Please dont assume its any sort of fringe. Sane people in the BJP are the fringe now.
I answered this before. No business will come here cause of their good heart. They want profit. And there is no profit to be had unless the govt corrects a tonne of things. All I've mentioned before. Most of these dont even require laws to be passed. Just policy changes. But 2 yrs in after promising comprehensive change, you dont even see incremental change, nothing. Nada. Compare that with Kejriwal. The urgency in his work, the sweeping changes. Traders had problems with VAT forms, they were removed, replacement was provided soon. You dont need years to solve problems, it takes weeks if not days to correct a problem, but you should have the will, and not be sold out to "vested interests" in the first place.
We're trying. reforms are opposed by vested interests who pay into the kitty of parties to put them in office in the first place. its a slow and tedious process. Lobbies have to be appeased and negotiated with.
Then maybe they shouldnt take money into their kitty from them? Or is that okay and a given now? To be sold to "vested interests" and can now be used as a legit excuse? Oh sorry no can do sir, we are sold out to xyz corp, cant do anything against their interest. Dont get me wrong, Im all for trying. Kejriwal is trying FYI. He tried Odd even and got a 10% reduction. That's trying. When you try, you make some amount of progress, not just stay at one place giving excuses.
Think back to '91. The plans to liberalise had already been written by the world bank & the IMF. we implemented them because there was no more opposition to them. That process went on for just a couple of years. We've been running on that since. Same with China, whatever reforms after they opened up went on just for ten years. Then the vested interests jumped in and stopped it.
In 91, THERE WAS A PLAN. IT EXISTED. What's Mudi's plan? Do you know? To manage headlines. Its in public. Have a look. Two years on, there is no comprehensive plan. Just fishing for investments without a concrete strategy. You can only use taxes to a certain extent to get people to make in India. Next they will just pass on the taxes to you. Schemes with fancy names for fancy headlines, with neither the budget to make them mean anything, nor the intension. At the end of 5 yrs he will come and say "We launched skill India" and will claim credit for the jobs that people would have got even in normal course without a BJP govt. Cause you know you need money to survive. Now if only India was Gujarat. A conventionally progressive and rich state where you can take command, micro-manage and just call its natural progress your own achievement.
Things will improve after three years. We're just completing the second year.
2017 - Things will improve after 2 years. We're just completing the third years.
2018 - Things will improve after 1 years. We're just completing the fourth years.
2019 - Things will improve after another 5 years. We're just completing 5 years.
2049 - Things will improve after 5 years. We're just completing the 35 years. You gave congress 60 yrs. Y U hate us anti-nationul?