Here "we" isn't modern india but Indian empire under British Queen. Maybe thats why we are forgotten in history books. Really sad. Even our soldiers contribution in WW2 is largely forgotten. Even dunkirk didnt feature any indian soldiers. Nolan disaapointed in that aspect.No, we were. The opium was grown in India and then when their drug enforcement dumped the shipments into the harbour. The Brits used Indian muscle to fight them, twice
They lost and then the concessions were surrendered. It always amuses me that China got opened up by drug dealers. We even put down their boxer rebellion in the early 20th century. So before WW2, we had already attacked China three times. We policed the region for a century and a half right up to WW2. From Suez to Singapore, we were the hegemon. That is why we have an ocean named after us.
Do the Indian history books talk about any of this ? no, all forgotten post independence.