GPRS not connecting.

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Hi everyone.

I have Nokia 5130 express music phone.

Till yesterday the GPRS on my phone was working fine,but now it refuses to connect.

yesterday my phone had fallen down from a height of about 2-3 ft, could that be the reason or is it due to some network problem from my provider??
I am using TATA DOCOMO in Bangalore.

I am able to make and receive calls as usual and the phone shows full signal strength, also other features are working fine.

Does the phone use a separate antennas for GPRS and voice calls??

Please Help.
tried that sim in other phone?? first rule out the possibility of any network problem. If No network problem then remove the sim, switch off the phone, take out the battery for 1-2 min, insert the sim again. If still it doesn't work then factory reset??
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