I am looking to upgrade my so so old nvidia 7600GS (running for 4 yrs now) and I will be sourcing it from US.
Budget: 200 US $
Narrowed down to: nVidia GTX460 (Overclocked Talon Attack version??) or HD6870 (current best price around 230$.. hoping for some sale/offer). Please suggest if any other model is worth considering.
Overclocking: Never tried. Will not overclock now. But may try in the future when it starts struggling
Games I Play - Call of Duty (all series), Medal of Honour, Prince of persia and other Action games like Just Cause 2. Will also start playing Assassins creed, Battle field and Tom Clancy series
Resolution - With the new card I will play at 1280x1024(My current 17" monitors max resolution). After a monitor upgrade after 6 months, would like to retain the existing card and play @ Full HD resolution and Max settings of all games released by 2010 at least.
Other Usage: HD Movie playback and General browsing. Not going to do any 3D work
Expected Lifetime - Next 3 years at least before next upgrade
Please share your views on following things
1.To get it now on Thanksgiving sale or during Christma/New year sale. The person will be coming to India around mid Jan. So the latest I can wait is till 3rd week of december.
2.Nvidia or ATI. I read in some forums about the over-heating on 6870. I cannot afford additional cooling solutions. Also considering 3D gaming in the near future, I Would like to have a 3D supporting card and get additional upgrades later.
3. Any new releases planned by these two companies or any price cuts expected in the near future?
Please pour in your suggestions

Budget: 200 US $
Narrowed down to: nVidia GTX460 (Overclocked Talon Attack version??) or HD6870 (current best price around 230$.. hoping for some sale/offer). Please suggest if any other model is worth considering.
Overclocking: Never tried. Will not overclock now. But may try in the future when it starts struggling
Games I Play - Call of Duty (all series), Medal of Honour, Prince of persia and other Action games like Just Cause 2. Will also start playing Assassins creed, Battle field and Tom Clancy series
Resolution - With the new card I will play at 1280x1024(My current 17" monitors max resolution). After a monitor upgrade after 6 months, would like to retain the existing card and play @ Full HD resolution and Max settings of all games released by 2010 at least.
Other Usage: HD Movie playback and General browsing. Not going to do any 3D work
Expected Lifetime - Next 3 years at least before next upgrade
Please share your views on following things
1.To get it now on Thanksgiving sale or during Christma/New year sale. The person will be coming to India around mid Jan. So the latest I can wait is till 3rd week of december.
2.Nvidia or ATI. I read in some forums about the over-heating on 6870. I cannot afford additional cooling solutions. Also considering 3D gaming in the near future, I Would like to have a 3D supporting card and get additional upgrades later.
3. Any new releases planned by these two companies or any price cuts expected in the near future?
Please pour in your suggestions