zotac.Seems like its either coil whine or a bent fan or a wire maybe sticking into the fan. Which card is it? some brands offer on site immediate replacement so you wont have to wait and other are lax with rma claims
Yeah could be the wires that goes from fan to power connector making noise. OP can also check how coil whine sounds from a youtube video and compare with his noise.The "no noise" could also be because of zero rpm mode under low load. Seems like something is touching the blades...
You can use MSI afterburner and set fan speed to fixed and see at which point it started to make noise.but there is no sound when fans run without gaming.
is there any way / utility to checks fans under various conditions ?
You can use MSI afterburner and set fan speed to fixed and see at which point it started to make noise.
Is it the same noise as the one you heard before? The "KRRRRR..." one.one of the fan makes noise above 1900-2000 rpm
yesIs it the same noise as the one you heard before? The "KRRRRR..." one.
Probably one of the fan going bad (or its power cable touching it). Just get it RMA'ed since its still under warranty.