Than You for your wonderful impressions on the Grados. This should help a lot of people make up their mind and understand what Grado is all about . Hopefully these wont remain in store for long.bennysachdev said:I own the Sr80i since almost a year now and they've been my primary headphone for the longest time and all I can say is that they are nothing short of Amazing. I had purchased them from amazon and had my gf bring it down from the US for me, but it still cost me around 5.2k including shipping, which is close to what Gautam is offering plus the buyer gets local warranty rather than Amazon warranty for which one would have to ship it back to the US if something happens. Pain in the rear!!
I have personally been a fan of Grado's products and quality level. These are no BS headphones for serious listeners. Grado has never gone down on they're level of quality and love for they're products.
After being full satisfied with the Sr80i's which come with a foam pad, I decided to get the Sr225i's(bowl pads) as a upgrade from my existing Sr80i.
I still cannot let go of my Sr80i's for its bass punch for genres like Rock, Metal and Grunge. Vocals are the best through a Grado since they deliver a very accurate representation of the recording, while other hp's in comparison sound colored and rolled off from the ends. Just to give you a sense of idea of what i'm talking about, Metallica & Symphony's - Nothing else matters really sounds legendary on these and the fact that they do not need a seperate amp to drive them makes them very good for someone wanting to start his journey in audiophilia land.
The Sr225i's in comparison to the Sr80i to my ears is a definate upgrade in the treble and soundstage area. I cannot validate or justify their sound sig since they require amping and I don't own an amp yet. But unamped I do notice a night and day difference between the two(i know what to expect amp'd since I tried these locally in SG). One is a Merc C-Class and the other is an E-Class for sure.
Instruments seem well seperated, there is a sense of added detailing in every instrument, the tunes seem much smoother and well defined and the sense of space is much more airy and open. They are definately more airy than the Sr80i's. They still lack a bass punch or authority in the bass region, maybe since they aren't driven through an amp as of now. The jumbo pads are good for long listening sessions. I find them more comfy than the bowl pads.
Hope to see you bring the Rs2i/Rs1i/GS1000 and the Legendary PS1000 soon!!