Graphic Cards Graphic Card Around 6k


Hi there to all,

I am planning to buy a graphic card for some casual gaming and was checking out different models from both ATI and Nvidia. But it has left me confused a lot thanks to DX11 and lower power requirements of 40 nm from ATI while the latest from Nvidia is only GT240 around 5k but no DX11 Support which puts it under scanner for future proofing. So please help me out and suggest a good graphic card around 6k in which I can invest and it can help me out for atleast 1 year or so in being future proof. My config is an AMD 7750 BE (OC to 3.1GHz from stock 2.7) with a Asus M3A78EM 780G board coupled with 4GB DDR2 800 MHz Transcend RAM in dual channel mode and a Dell S2209 HD Monitor with a nice MX518 as my mouse. My PSU is a CM 390W and I am not interested in upgrading my PSU for the time being. The GT240 and 5750 looked good but 5750 is not in my budget and the upcoming 5670 would be good enough for wait I don't know. So please help me out whether I should buy one now or wait??:huh::huh:
Chk out the ATI HD4770 at 7k. Has very low power requirements and give about 90% of the HD4850 performance. Else go for the HD46701Gb~4.5k instead of the Nvidia GT240. HD5670 wil take a few months. Even then it will be overpriced and mostly the price wouldnt justify the performance
thanks lot Karthi007...........BTW since mine IGP is ATI HD3200 would the hybrid GPU thing work with 4770?? Does that help??

Can some one lemme know the price of hd4770 as I am unable to find it under 8k!!! Hey Karthi007 would 48xx series card mentioned in your buyer's guide fit into my budget and PSU??
you could try looking at the market section and picking up a 260/4870 2nd hand ~7k with some local warranty and that would be good enough for a year from now and they are great cards.
@ meet6600: Yours is a full HD monitor. None of the above mentioned GPUs will be able to handle games at that resolution. A minimum of 4870 1GB is required to play at decent settings. If you don't mind playing at lower resolutions, you can get 4850 512 mb at about 7K. But to suggest any GPU, you need to mention the correct model of your PSU. I assume your's is a bundled PSU (prolly extreme series), and that's not recommended for any of the decent GPUs.
Yeah its the bundled one with the Cooler Master Elite Cabinet 390 W PSU. My monitor is full HD but I really do not intend to play at those settings as my casual gaming requirements won't be requiring such resolutions........perhaps in near future when I build a new rig or upgrade my current one (hopefully a raise or promotion lol) then I would have definitely gone for the HD 58xx series........but for now for just fun sakes I need a good card to play at 1280x1024 settings. I mainly play FPS and NFS Series. so just for now I need some power to atleast play the latest games as my current IGP can barely touch 30fps and due to my budget limitation I can't go for PSU Upgrade!!!
dvijaydev46 said:
You would still be risking other components.

Hmmm..........would have to postpone my purchase then......what PSU you would suggest?? I am game for the branded ones since you are very right in not risking my components inside and my past experiences too made me buy the 1.3k 390W PSU. Would save some money for next month or so and would then buy the card later.:):) BTW which PSU considering good performance and future proof??
" Future proof " Hmm. The hot word. The significance of the word varies highly depending on the budget, system config, planning of future upgrade, time span for using the product blah blah blah.

Simplified, tell us

1. your budget

2. how long do you intend to keep it ? will you keep it even if you change your current system i.e. cpu + mobo + graphic card (the 1 you'll buy) ?

3. What do you intend to add on like graphic cards, sound cards, HDDs ?

4. Do/Will you overclock ?
sabby said:
" Future proof " Hmm. The hot word. The significance of the word varies highly depending on the budget, system config, planning of future upgrade, time span for using the product blah blah blah.

Simplified, tell us
1. your budget
2. how long do you intend to keep it ? will you keep it even if you change your current system i.e. cpu + mobo + graphic card (the 1 you'll buy) ?
3. What do you intend to add on like graphic cards, sound cards, HDDs ?
4. Do/Will you overclock ?

1) Budget can't be specified for me since I don't wanna compromise on PSU since the hardware inside would be at risk so its ok to get a branded reliable PSU.
2) Yups would keep the PSU though might change the cabinet after a year or so.
3) Definatly Sound Card and graphic card but not any RAID Setups for me.
4) Yup a bit of overclocking but only mild ones as in case of overclocking I am still newbie.

I want to know which brand would be the best for PSU with reasonable pricing and after sales service.
meet6600 said:
Budget can't be specified for me since I don't wanna compromise on PSU since the hardware inside would be at risk so its ok to get a branded reliable PSU.

Then tell us your total budget for the graphic card + PSU
sabby said:
Then tell us your total budget for the graphic card + PSU

Well for now its only PSU that I can go for as my budget is upto 4k and I don't think I can get both the card and PSU within 4k. I had saved some money to get the card now and was looking upto 6k but now its PSU upgrade only and next month I guess my:):):) card!!!

And by the way sabby ur ideal VFM shows AMD Phenom II X2 550 BE so can you just let me knw whether it has any superior gains over my 7750 BE?? I hve OC it to 3.1 but I have heard the new phenom architecture is really good......actually I have a offer to trade this one for a new built machine of my cousin so wondering if its a step up or not??