Graphic Cards Graphic Card Around 6k

Corsair VX 450 is the best choice if you spend a little more else get Cooler Master real power pro 460 for Rs 3750.Both are very good and VFM and come with 5 year warranty.Also remember your CPU will bottleneck if you get a high end card later.Don't get anything more than HD 4850/4770.Best choice for now ,HD 4850/4770 + Corsair CX400 PSU(3.2k,very good but comes with 3 year warranty)
Phenom II X2 550 is awesome,too good for its price.It performs similar to Core 2 duo E8400 which costs 3k more and obviously it is way better than your 7750.Look at this hardware chart if you want to see the difference in performance of CPUs.,6.html
Corsairs are too overpriced for the indian market.I had a Powersafe 400 W which ran great for 3 years but i had to replace it with a VX450 since it didnt have a power connector for my new 4850 ,which didnt come with an adapter in the box.

Frankly speaking,you should not spend more than 2k on a PSU.Seems like the VIP/Powersafe brands are no longer being sold though.Were very good quality.So as with everyone here, go for a Corsair vx 450 W which actually shound be branded a 550 W due to its peak power rating :)Its very good quality.

Anyways, get a HD 4850 cos the 4770 are difficult to get and priced more.around 7k.

I got my powercolor 4850 ACS model (special arctic cooling) for 6750/- with tax.

And dont worry about the power draw etc, you wont see any change in your light bills.

Check this page to find out your power requirements.
How are the following PSU's?? Would upgrade my PSU first and the the card.

Cooler Master eXtreme V2.3 460W RS-460-PCARA3
Zebronics ZEB 500W Platinum
Gigabyte Superb 460W GE-R460-V1
Tagan Stonerock Series TG500-U37 Max. Power 600W
meet6600 said:
How are the following PSU's?? Would upgrade my PSU first and the the card.

Cooler Master eXtreme V2.3 460W RS-460-PCARA3

Zebronics ZEB 500W Platinum

Gigabyte Superb 460W GE-R460-V1

Tagan Stonerock Series TG500-U37 Max. Power 600W

Go for the gigabyte, its fairly reasonably priced with enough power for non sli systems ,stay away from zebronics really.Cooler master iam not aware of the price .And as far as warranty is concerned ,iam sure none of the posters here who are talking about their power supplies coming with a 5 year warranty will be keeping their PSU's for that long anyway.

And 5 year warranty definitely doesnt mean it is more reliable.Never support manufacturers who extort money in the name of brand loyalty.Gigabyte is good.Go for it.
indus said:
Frankly speaking,you should not spend more than 2k on a PSU.Seems like the VIP/Powersafe brands are no longer being sold though.Were very good quality.So as with everyone here, go for a Corsair vx 450 W which actually shound be branded a 550 W due to its peak power rating Its very good quality.

This is where everyone makes the mistake. The most reliable - cheapest PSU available here is Gigabyte Superb 460W which retails at 2.2k. But it's not even actually recommended for a quad+4850 system. The next one is CX400 which can handle it but not for any worthwhile OC. A VX450 can handle all single graphic cards + a quad and maybe some OC, depending on the config. VX450 costs 4K+. Now since the OP might consider 58XX later, which PSU would you suggest?
dvijaydev46 said:
This is where everyone makes the mistake. The most reliable - cheapest PSU available here is Gigabyte Superb 460W which retails at 2.2k. But it's not even actually recommended for a quad+4850 system. The next one is CX400 which can handle it but not for any worthwhile OC. A VX450 can handle all single graphic cards + a quad and maybe some OC, depending on the config. VX450 costs 4K+. Now since the OP might consider 58XX later, which PSU would you suggest?

Iam talking from a manufacturing point of view here.India is very good at manufacturing electrical and electronic goods.But due to the unorganized nature of the IT industry,we are forced to buy imported goods in the name of quality.Corsair is overpriced and we all know it.Gigabyte is doing a good thing by sensibly pricing its products.

And as far as recommendations are concerned, the card manufacturers always overrate the capacity of the PSU's recommended due to the millions of cheap brands existing across asia and europe.

My point is, there is no reason for us to spend a stupid amount of money on a PSU if we had some brands like zebronics pulling up their socks.

And about overclocking,thats not even 1 % of PC users worldwide,and you are talking of a quad 4850?! 4 cards on 1 board? SLI /Crossfire is a waste of power if not money.Thankfully not all people on earth are rich or we would be out of fossil fuels in no time.

I agree with you about a good PSU like Corsair or Coolermaster etc, but we indians are stuck with imported PSU's hence have to pay a heavy price for it.

Processors come from global manufacturing centers so we have to pay equivalent or more prices for them,but if zebronics and others clean up their act ,we could soon have inexpensive and quality PSU's very soon.


I should hopefully start making my own 'made in india' PSU's soon :D
indus said:
Corsair is overpriced and we all know it.Gigabyte is doing a good thing by sensibly pricing its products.

But that's not Coirsair's fault.

indus said:
And as far as recommendations are concerned, the card manufacturers always overrate the capacity of the PSU's recommended due to the millions of cheap brands existing across asia and europe.

CX400 can provide power upto 450W, VX450 can provide more than 550W with very low ripple.

indus said:
My point is, there is no reason for us to spend a stupid amount of money on a PSU if we had some brands like zebronics pulling up their socks.

As you said, in India, good PSUs are overpriced but there is no other way around this. As of now, we can't trust the PSUs from Zebronics. Some reputed site have to review their PSUs for anyone to suggest their PSUs. But so far there is no proper reviews out there. It's also my and many others experiences in different forums that zebronics platinum series PSUs are not up to the mark. A 10 minute OCCT psu test will reveal it's nature that in the graphs we can clearly see how pathetic the ripple will be and chances are there that the PSU gets kaput before the test is over.

indus said:
And about overclocking,thats not even 1 % of PC users worldwide,and you are talking of a quad 4850?! 4 cards on 1 board? SLI /Crossfire is a waste of power if not money.Thankfully not all people on earth are rich or we would be out of fossil fuels in no time.

I wasn't talking about a quad CF or SLI, I was saying a 4850 and a quad core CpU.

indus said:
I agree with you about a good PSU like Corsair or Coolermaster etc, but we indians are stuck with imported PSU's hence have to pay a heavy price for it.

TBH, that's the harsh reality

indus said:
Processors come from global manufacturing centers so we have to pay equivalent or more prices for them,but if zebronics and others clean up their act ,we could soon have inexpensive and quality PSU's very soon.

I wish it would happen
Well the query started with me requiring a good Graphic Card to do with my casual gaming but thanks to tech enclave I got to know that I don't have a proper PSU in my CM 390W.:mad::mad: I shouldn't had trusted the brand blindly. Anyways now my choices are limited to either buying a Corsair VX450 or VX550 or CM Real Power 460W. So please let me know guys pros and cons of all three so that I can buy any one of them for now and look for my originally required GPU later:eek:hyeah::eek:hyeah::eek:hyeah: God what I wanted and what I am getting!! lol.......BTW all thanks to all people here atleast my current components inside would be safe and if I had gone ahead and bought a GPU then all my investment would have gone up in smoke!!!:eek:hyeah::eek:hyeah:Thanks once again guys!!!
Corsiar CX 400 will be good enough if you are planing to get upto HD 4850.Else get CM Real power pro 460 or Corsair VX 450,both are high quality ,VFM and come with 5 year warranty.
dude.. whats the confusion? just go ahead and buy the VX450. VX550 is costs almost 6K. Although it has more connectors than VX450, I dont feel it is required for your intended use. Not sure about CM RP.

but VX450 is very well known and trusted.