Graphic Cards Graphic card suggestion for 450w 80+ psu

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Hi guys...

I have a antec 450w 80+ power supply... Looking for a graphic card that this psu can power without an issue... Usual use case senario will be little bit of gaming... Some compute shader stuff etc... Not actually need figures like 4070 etc but should be powerful enough...

Cpu is 6th gen i5 6500...

Kindly suggess...

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To be safe, you should look for cards with a rated power draw of upto 150 watts. Any higher might be a risk for your PSU. So something with a single 6 pin pcie connector.
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I think a 1660 ti/super would do good. They are rated for 125W, which will not require more than 450W psu with that cpu.

Performance wise they’re decent and you might find a decent deal in used market for these.

RTX 2060 has a higher power requirement - 160W. Your system will most likely not be stable with it.
If you are open to suggestions, go ahead with whatever GPU you feel will give you best value. Worst case you need to shell out 2k more for a basic 550W PSU, under warranty.

Why restrict yourself to 450W, if upgrading it will hardly be 5-10% of your GPU cost?
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hey i also do a bit of 3d rendering and gaming my suggestion is the gtx 1660 it has median score of roughly 900 on blender benchmark and is still a great option for gaming and only has a tdp of 115 watts
I was using a 10100f with a 1660super for a while with a 450w psu, it worked perfectly for me but keep in mind the csrd was a dual fan card with not much powerdraw (max of 130w on the nvidia overlay)
I am using Antec 500w PSU

My current system is R7 5700, 32GB RAM and RTX 1070 (which is a 150w card)

i wouldn't recommend buying a card that crosses 150W TDP
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