Graphic Cards graphics card help

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sarkararko said:
hey how am i going to give his payment another thing i already pm KMD but not yet any reply... need info from you ...
he will reply .. he is busy man so takes time to reply . when u order something u need to give him half advance then when the item is with him in india u pay remaining . u can transfer money online or deposit cash in SBI branch .:hap2:
RoBoGhOsT said:
buy the psu from somewhere else , from kmd psu will be costly to import as its heavy u can pm Amarbir for the psu :) . kmd warranty has no problem , if anything goes wrong just send the product to mumbai and kmd will get it RMAed and send back to u .

adding to that....
u will also have to pay for the shipping cost during RMA
RoBoGhOsT said:
he will reply .. he is busy man so takes time to reply . when u order something u need to give him half advance then when the item is with him in india u pay remaining . u can transfer money online or deposit cash in SBI branch .:hap2:

hey is it really 6.5K for 8800gt because here every where they are asking nothing less than 9700/- is this extra is tax or what????
sarkararko said:
:( sorry forgot to tell its 400watt zebronics power supply need to buy a good one .... can you suggest one that can run 8800gt it should be less than 2K
Powesafe 500W platinum or Vip500W a bit higher though or a Cm460W ..8800gt needs around 28-31amps on 12 v rails...:)
sarkararko said:
hey is it really 6.5K for 8800gt because here every where they are asking nothing less than 9700/- is this extra is tax or what????

yeah if you order via kmd u will get it for 6.5k to 7k maximum
you should be getting an 8800gt in 8k. or you can order from kmd for cheaper.
if budget for smps is strictly 2k then get the coolermaster extreme power plus 460W.
also add another 1 gig of ram to your rig.
viralbug said:
you should be getting an 8800gt in 8k. or you can order from kmd for cheaper.
if budget for smps is strictly 2k then get the coolermaster extreme power plus 460W.
also add another 1 gig of ram to your rig.

what about 8600gt 512 ddr3 .... just wondering of using it for temporary because probably in october i will be having a new rig , so will it have zalman heatsink with it and what would be its cost???
Dude, ur rig is fine. There is just a gig of RAM that is needed. No need of upgrading the entire rig as far as i think. U are not going to get a huge performance boost in general applications anyway. U r anyway upgrading ur graphics card which would be 8800GT(and it's an awesome card).

Let me tell u a few things:

1. If u get anything through KMD, u'll get it cheaper since he imports from the US. And anything imported would not have local warranty i.e no warranty in India. So, if anything goes wrong(which rarely happens but u never know when it nite go boom), u'll have to pay ~1000rupees to KMD for shipping the product back to the US and getting a new one. So, for every RMA, u spend 1000 bucks extra.If u want to get any product cheaper u should get it from KMD.

2. If u get anything in India, the local warranty is dere and u save on any RMA since u don't have to spent a single penny on the RMA process and u get a new one here in India itself. So, if u want to save money on after sales support, get it from here only. There are good dealers in TE from whom u can get every card at really good prices.

3. As per my observation here, graphics cards with local warranty have a higher resale value if u plan to sell than the cards later than the cards which are imported from the US coz a lot of people prefer local warranty.

So, decide which way u want to go...:)

@KMD, Sorry if the post offends u in any way:) It's just my personal opinion;)
clown_abhi said:
Dude, ur rig is fine. There is just a gig of RAM that is needed. No need of upgrading the entire rig as far as i think. U are not going to get a huge performance boost in general applications anyway. U r anyway upgrading ur graphics card which would be 8800GT(and it's an awesome card).

Let me tell u a few things:

1. If u get anything through KMD, u'll get it cheaper since he imports from the US. And anything imported would not have local warranty i.e no warranty in India. So, if anything goes wrong(which rarely happens but u never know when it nite go boom), u'll have to pay ~1000rupees to KMD for shipping the product back to the US and getting a new one. So, for every RMA, u spend 1000 bucks extra.If u want to get any product cheaper u should get it from KMD.

2. If u get anything in India, the local warranty is dere and u save on any RMA since u don't have to spent a single penny on the RMA process and u get a new one here in India itself. So, if u want to save money on after sales support, get it from here only. There are good dealers in TE from whom u can get every card at really good prices.

3. As per my observation here, graphics cards with local warranty have a higher resale value if u plan to sell than the cards later than the cards which are imported from the US coz a lot of people prefer local warranty.

So, decide which way u want to go...:)

@KMD, Sorry if the post offends u in any way:) It's just my personal opinion;)

thanks for that its great ....... just want to know i am in kolkata so can you name some dealers in TE from whom i can get my card
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