For last 2 weeks, my pc has been crashing a lot. It would freeze display + no input response then hard reset.
Today it went over the edge with lots of bsods. Somehow looked like AMD ATI CC / drivers were conflicting. Also I remember, weeks ago windows update interfered with display drivers and I had to restore in order to get pc running.
Anyways to cut short, I set up display on to board display and since then pc is working fine. So in the market for new card
Gigabyte 880-GMA-USB3 FFE
AMD Phenom II X4
Corsair 4Gb Vengeance x 4
Corsair VX 450
CM Elite 430 cabinet
- Sapphire 4850 - Sourced from US years ago. Has been running fine all the time.
What would be better - AMD or NVIDIA ?
- I have paused all my gaming just to keep Jr out, as long possible . Although would like to try GTAV if card is capable
- Other needs is frequent editing using LR / PS + Video slideshow maker etc -> for home albums/videos.
- Budget would be 8k .. Max upto 10k. The lower the better.
- Top requirement would be good A.S.S ( Location NCR)
- Open to used ones under warranty
Today it went over the edge with lots of bsods. Somehow looked like AMD ATI CC / drivers were conflicting. Also I remember, weeks ago windows update interfered with display drivers and I had to restore in order to get pc running.
Anyways to cut short, I set up display on to board display and since then pc is working fine. So in the market for new card
Gigabyte 880-GMA-USB3 FFE
AMD Phenom II X4
Corsair 4Gb Vengeance x 4
Corsair VX 450
CM Elite 430 cabinet
- Sapphire 4850 - Sourced from US years ago. Has been running fine all the time.
What would be better - AMD or NVIDIA ?
- I have paused all my gaming just to keep Jr out, as long possible . Although would like to try GTAV if card is capable
- Other needs is frequent editing using LR / PS + Video slideshow maker etc -> for home albums/videos.
- Budget would be 8k .. Max upto 10k. The lower the better.
- Top requirement would be good A.S.S ( Location NCR)
- Open to used ones under warranty
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