Graphic Cards Graphics look like Crap

Can you describe the problem with other games? Take crysis for instance. The AA issue with GTA IV is well known.

About the 2 4850's dying on you, I suspect they might have overheated to death. can you enable ATI overdrive in CCC and tell us your GPU/Memory temps? Also your system temps using Everest.
It is highly unlikely that poor image quality is due to any hardware problems.Hardware defects will only cause stability issues such as crashes and freeze ups.
Poor image quality is almost certainly some software based problem.It is possible that some older drivers are conflicting with your current drivers.
Check whether there is a file called "commandline.txt" in your GTA 4 directory.Any settings mentioned there will override those that you set from inside the game.
i am not sure if the hitman has some problem with AA or is it CCC just acting up.

try ati tray tools before you condemn the card,with the functionality available with ATT its surprising that ati don't use it with their drivers.
Anybody on COD4 who might be at relevant level care to grab a screenshot of that container - the 2nd pic i.e?

Any Crysis Warhead issues, Rahulyo? I could attach comparable screenshots to the thread and we could evaluate.
rahulyo said:
Some screen shot from COD4:-

That looks like texture shimmering.
Clamp negative LOD bias settings in the display driver control panel if you are using an nVidia card. If you're using an ATI card, then get ATI Tray Tools to do the same.

Also make sure you are using atleast 8x anisotropic filtering or the clamp won't do much good.
saumilsingh said:
That looks like texture shimmering.
Clamp negative LOD bias settings in the display driver control panel if you are using an nVidia card. If you're using an ATI card, then get ATI Tray Tools to do the same.

Also make sure you are using atleast 8x anisotropic filtering or the clamp won't do much good.

I have ATi 4850 Sonic.
ATi Tray Tools never run on my PC . Py sys crash .