For Sale !
- Gskill ripjawsx 8gb(2x4gb) & URL:
- Expected Price: SOLD
- Time of Purchase: JUN 2011
- Company official Indian warranty valid/Remaining Warranty period: Yes | 8 years
- Reason for Sale: Need money for upgrades
- Purchase Invoice Available: Yes
- Product Condition: awesome
- Accessories Included: Original plasticky container (the cost saving effectiveness of gskill ).
- Product Location: hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh.
- Preferred Courier: No specific courier
- Shipping Charges: @actuals
- Payment Options: Cash, Bank transfer, Gold Coins.
For Sale !
- Corsair XMS3(2x2gb) & URL:
- Expected Price: SOLD
- Time of Purchase: DEC 2010
- Company official Indian warranty valid/Remaining Warranty period: No.. Imported in from US
- Reason for Sale: Need money for upgrades
- Purchase Invoice Available: No..
- Product Condition: awesome
- Accessories Included: Original box.
- Product Location: hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh.
- Preferred Courier: No specific courier
- Shipping Charges: included
- Payment Options: Cash, Bank transfer, Gold Coins.