GTA-IV PC Tweaks/Fixes

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aaaah ! dunno what were the game developers upto while making GTA IV ..

whats the use of having such a superb game which gots tons of bugs in it !

i am facing a lot of problems..

using original game , ..Windows Vista SP1 64 bit,ATI catalyst 8.12.

also official GTA IV patch installed ..(looks like it added more bus :P)

1) the cars are flying in the air..almost 2 inches above ground level !! looks very funny ..

2) a lot of missing textures..buildings and structures appear and dissapear out of no where.

3) the most irritating problem , the whole screen keeps flickering ..making the game completely unplayable..

it flickers the same way when a cellphone is kept near the monitor.( in reality there is nothing near the LCD,even speakers are moved a bit further away,so this is a problem with the game..or drivers)

anyone facing similar problems ?? got any solutions .?

please help !
FaH33m said:
aaaah ! dunno what were the game developers upto while making GTA IV ..
whats the use of having such a superb game which gots tons of bugs in it !

i am facing a lot of problems..
using original game , ..Windows Vista SP1 64 bit,ATI catalyst 8.12.
also official GTA IV patch installed ..(looks like it added more bus :P)

1) the cars are flying in the air..almost 2 inches above ground level !! looks very funny ..

2) a lot of missing textures..buildings and structures appear and dissapear out of no where.

3) the most irritating problem , the whole screen keeps flickering ..making the game completely unplayable..

it flickers the same way when a cellphone is kept near the monitor.( in reality there is nothing near the LCD,even speakers are moved a bit further away,so this is a problem with the game..or drivers)
anyone facing similar problems ?? got any solutions .?
please help !

thats wierd.....patched the game already did ya??
for me , best tweak was using XP SP3:P

Resolution - 102D*768
Texture Detail - High
Render Quality - Highest
Vehicle Density - 100
Shadow Density - 0
View Distance - 33
Detail Quality - 100

game was not playable yielding ~24fps....n dropped further while driving .

do not think of GTA BENCHMARK's crap ..i got average 34fps frm. it , though gameplay was not playable :@

so now shifter to XP SP3
Resolution - 1024*768
Texture Detail - High
Render Quality - Highest
Vehicle Density - 100
Shadow Density - 16
View Distance - 44
Detail Quality - 100
gave me all smoooth play even while driving :)
haven't tried crappy benchmark of GTA .
i get 50+fps normally & 30+ while driving , which is enough .

mostly,frame drop's in VISTA was due to less RAM(2GB) .but it works well with XP SP3 . so it's XP for me now :ohyeah:



• Graphics Menu:

• Graphics Settings

o Added "Water Quality", "Shadow Quality" and "Reflection Resolution" sliders in graphics menu.

o Added "Definition" and "VSync" toggles in graphics menu.

• Rendering optimizations.

• VSync optimizations.

• Nvidia 7000 series

o Mirrors fixed


• Direct input device support is now disabled by default and can only be enabled with the commandline: "-usedirectinput"

• Supported Controllers:

o Logitech Dual Action

o Logitech RumblePad 2

o Logitech Cordless RumblePad 2

o Saitek P2500

• Supported Wheels:

• Note: Controls are unmapped, user must map controls using Manufacturer's mapping software.

o Logitech G25 Racing Wheel

o Logitech Wingman Formula GP Wheel

o Logitech MOMO Racing

o MOMO Force

o Driving Force Pro

o Driving Force

o Formula Force

• Added Commandline "-notimefix" which will help some users who are experiencing the fast/slow gameplay issue after patch 1 was applied.

• Fixed a bug that caused some users to experience endless looping audio effects after Patch 1 was applied.

• Benchmark was disabling sounds after Patch 1 was applied, this is now fixed.


• Unable to load game fixed - For some users, a DOS window would open and close immediately upon Game Launch, GTA IV would never launch.

• Hang on Initial Game Loading Screen fixed - Some users experienced Character Art Loading screens in an endless loop.

• Certain causes of the RESC10 error have been fixed (Alt-Tab, change resolution). If you experience an RESC10 error, you must restart.

• Certain Instances of the "GRAND THEFT AUTO IV has encountered a problem and needs to close" error have been fixed.


• Naming clips is now mandatory on Export


• Legitimate players being kicked from Multiplayer matches has been fixed.


• Wireless 360 controllers not functioning - Triggers were full on/off, fixed.

• In the Options menu accessed from the Title Screen a “Game” section has been added with the ability to turn Clip capture on/off.

To download the latest patch please follow the link:

Grand Theft Auto IV - Title Update for Windows - LIVE update


I know its already posted in the other thread..

but as this thread is pinned, i had to update it :)

Can you please do a favour?

Comparing of realtime in game GTA IV smoothness on Vista with 2GB and 4GB RAM and comparing XP 4GB to Vista 4GB.
^^ yeah i can do that but you will have to wait for that :P..

disgusted with the problems i was facign i just uninstalled GTA IV few days back . now that the second patch is out.. i might do a re install.

though one thing is for sure .. 4GB RAM does make a lot of difference in GTA IV.

cause even @ 4GB it consumes 85-95 % RAM. ..yes it does.

so 2GB = quiet a lot of performance drop.
It's a sports a whole different storyline. It's not an extension but a DLC exclusive only to the Xbox 360. The city remains the same but the story revolves around conflicts between a group of biker gangs.
I am still getting "Router Too Strict / NAT" error even after forwarding those mentioned ports.

Any help? I am using Windows XP Sp3 btw.
man i cant believe ppeople are still playing this game whenever i go to mp end u all alone is the mp in the game still alive ???? i've finished the story and all thosse extra things soo it wud be reall awesome if they eleased lost and damned for the pC :ohyeah:
thank you very much for the tricks mate but iam having a dount whether GTA 4 will run in 8600GT with latest driver updated and 2GB RAM DDR 2...:P??????
and also can i keep these settings you told above...:D??? please let me know
thank you again
hi, i have dell latitude e6400 laptop

can i play gta 4 without any problems? like hanging or slowing down? or any graphics glitches?

im using xp

plz help
Hi Guys Got GTA IV PC SAVE FILE (not mine hehe) but works 60+% complete

no need of xlive wrapper or xliveless just copy paste the xlive folder and the save game folder :D

DOWNLOAD HERE : XLive+Savegame.rar

location of files to replace


(for Windows Vista) %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Rockstar Games\GTA IV\savegames\

(for Windows XP) %USERPROFILE%\My Documents\Rockstar Games\GTA IV\savegames\


(for Windows Vista) %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Microsoft\Xlive\

(for Windows XP) %USERPROFILE%\My Documents\Microsoft\Xlive\

hey , i got a soln for gta,
-i made a new partition,
-install drivers [use the ATI/NVIDIA drivers specified in this thread ONLY!]
-install fresh copy of xp sp3 on it.
-update directx
-adobe flash 2.0
-install amd fusion
-install game booster
-instal cc cleaner.use it.
-install gta4 wid patch 4 on the new drive
-use contig.exe<--- its a prog tht derfragments a specific folder.use it on the
-use game booster and amd fusion simultneously.
gta folder.u can google for its instructions.PM if u don get it
previously on vista, i used to get 5-8fps on medium i get, 40+fps on all settings high/very high. :-)
the game rox!!
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