But missed the pc mouse aiming in the game. The aiming with controller is not good.
I am struggling a bit with aiming a bit as well. Maybe it is because I came off of Uncharted 1 where L1 is to go into aim mode and R1 is for shooting. Even if I remember L2 is to go into aim mode I keep pressing R1 and coming out of cover. I hope I get used to that. I wonder if the game has aiming system from GTA 4. That was really handy, the only problem at times was switching targets.
Except the first car boost I haven't done any mission but just roamed around aimlessly and noticed a few things.
- In the car boost mission I noticed that I had entered a rail-yard without being followed and it had a bridge running across it. I was hidden under the bridge but the police jumped off the bridge and then chased me out of the yard. The odd thing I realized here is that the police doesn't depend on the line of sight and if you are in the radar irrespective of cover or altitude it will find you.
- Some petrol pumps have jerry cans.
- Bike riding is easy unlike GTA 4 but then it was difficult to fall off the bike in Lost and Damned as well.
- Decided to follow a Cop chase. It lead to a confrontation. 2 cops vs 3 robbers. 2 robbers dead and 2 cops dead. 3rd robber ran away with the car. I picked up the weapons and landed up having a police shot gun and pistols.
- Continued in the police car of the dead cops with a pistol, shotgun and a jerry can.
- Noticed 3 deers near the highway. Spooked by the car they kept running away. Having selected a target followed a particular deer who kept on climbing the vertical slopes. Awkwardly the police car had no issue with the increasing angle. I only lost it when I tried to make a quick turn.
- Went back to get the bike boost mission. Kept getting the controls mixed up and kept on toggling between cover and no cover. Hence died. Decided to skip retry and have fun with the weapons. Alas the game only left me with the pistol that I was to use in the bike boost mission. May be it was done because I was not supposed to have those weapons in the first place.
So far so good.