GTA4 delayed, new system specs revealed

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Grand Theft Auto 4 PC Delay Confirmed, System Requirements

Confirming a release date change on retailer websites earlier this week, IGN reports that the PC version of Grand Theft Auto 4 is now indeed shipping December 2. Publisher Rockstar Games did not specify as to why the game was moved back two weeks.

IGN's story notes the following minimum system requirements for the game, in addition to the recommended specs revealed in September.

Minimum System Requirements

* OS: Windows Vista - Service Pack 1 / XP - Service Pack 3
* Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 1.8Ghz, AMD Athlon X2 64 2.4Ghz
* Memory: 1.5GB, 16GB Free Hard Drive Space
* Video Card: 256MB NVIDIA 7900 / 256MB ATI X1900

Recommended System Requirements

* OS: Windows Vista - Service Pack 1 / XP - Service Pack 3
* Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad 2.4Ghz, AMD Phenom X3 2.1Ghz
* Memory: 2 GB (Windows XP) 2.5 GB (Windows Vista)
* 18 GB Free Hard Drive Space
* Video Card: 512MB NVIDIA 9600 / 512MB ATI 3870

yea....came to know abt dis:@..

its resource heavy on proccy side...the recommended settings has quad does it mean the game utilizes all 4 cores?..
* 18 GB Free Hard Drive Space

OMG :P Well , my exams will be over by then.

Maybe Rockstar wanted to compete with the other BIG game release , Prince of Persia :P , also as it gets closer to Christmas , i guess its a boost to their sales as well.
PhOeNiX said:
OMG :P Well , my exams will be over by then.
Maybe Rockstar wanted to compete with the other BIG game release , Prince of Persia :P , also as it gets closer to Christmas , i guess its a boost to their sales as well.

yep mine too shall get over by then;)
is the game quad optimized:S
Damn! I have been waiting for this ever since SA released! and these new specs make me more sad.

16-18GB free space! ZOMG!
Aah, I remember how desperately I wanted GTA4 when I first got my PS3. The game is not as much fun as GTA SA was but it is still a good game. I feel it is overrated. The missions are repetetitive, but the city is amazing. Rockstar has paid a lot of attention to little details. There are a few thing I missed in GTA4 that were present in GTA SA such as jetpack, airplanes etc. This version however does have a multiplayer.
Ambar said:
Muahahaha...consoles ftw!!

The graphics on the console versions are pretty poor btw. :P

The game is overrated anyway. Its a good game, but still does not deserve anything more than 8.5~9/10. I have the PS3 version and not very impressed. Put it down after few hours.
Lord Nemesis said:
The graphics on the console versions are pretty poor btw. :P

The game is overrated anyway. Its a good game, but still does not deserve anything more than 8.5~9/10. I have the PS3 version and not very impressed. Put it down after few hours.

You wud rate the game arnd 8.5 - 9 and still claim ur not very impressed by it. Ur hard to please i guess.....but the PS3 version has real crappy graphics when compared to X360. I know it coz ive tested the game on both consoles.....
X2 2.4gig and X1900 minimum? damn i'll have to be happy playin the game at 640x480 :cry::cry:
amigoatul said:
You wud rate the game arnd 8.5 - 9 and still claim ur not very impressed by it. Ur hard to please i guess.....

I said that because its rated 10/10 or at least 9.8 by many reviewers. As for the game itself, I was bored because its too slow and had unwieldy controls. Will pick it up later then I run out of exiting games to play.

After I got my PC resurrected, I have been playing PC games all the time. :P

amigoatul said:
but the PS3 version has real crappy graphics when compared to X360. I know it coz ive tested the game on both consoles.....

Even the XBOX 360 versions graphics are crappy in a different way. I had watched videos of both versions before getting the game. I got the PS3 version because I got it 300 bucks cheaper than than the 360 version.
It says one need to have XP SP3 does that mean if someone running on SP2 the game will not run?hope it wont be like that.dont know whats going on so much expectation but most of the rcent games has been disappointing :(
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