GTA4 delayed, new system specs revealed

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agm203 said:
It says one need to have XP SP3 does that mean if someone running on SP2 the game will not run?hope it wont be like that.dont know whats going on so much expectation but most of the rcent games has been disappointing :(

I wanna know this as well, as i have pirated XP and i think i can not upgrade to SP3?

^^ I think it should work fine on SP2... no reason why it shouldn't...

since SP3 is just a collection of security patches... An up-to-date SP2 will work fine...
! 0 t A said:
Video Card: 512MB NVIDIA 9600 / 512MB ATI 3870

WTF :|

It's actually a 512MB NVIDIA 8600... not a 9600... :P

Sources: [H]ardOCP, IGN

kippu said:
7900 minimum gfx card ...oh no .... i was being happy with 7300 , damn you rockstar

Dude... how can u except or imagine a GF7300 to run that game??
NeViLLe said:
^^ I think it should work fine on SP2... no reason why it shouldn't...

since SP3 is just a collection of security patches... An up-to-date SP2 will work fine...

There are a number of games which were meant for Win XP SP2 and did not work on the original Win XP or the Win XP SP1. When you try to install the game, they simply say that SP2 is required and bail out. I was forced to upgrade to SP2 because some games not working on Win XP SP1. I don't think this would be any different.
Lord Nemesis said:
There are a number of games which were meant for Win XP SP2 and did not work on the original Win XP or the Win XP SP1. When you try to install the game, they simply say that SP2 is required and bail out. I was forced to upgrade to SP2 because some games not working on Win XP SP1. I don't think this would be any different.

Well if this is the case then i doubt ill be able to play this GTA4 :S as i m currently using AHEM XP SP2 :ashamed:
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