GTAIV not playing smooth lately

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Aman27deep said:
totally agree man, but when i play gtaiv (and gtaiv only), the memory usage is like 964mb, so i guess a 512mb 4870 cant do that (only in gtaiv cause of low memory).
That is only when you have to increase View Distance. I'm pretty sure I was able to breach that memory limitation with the commandline.txt file & cross that threshold. Worked fine on my system. ;)
Ethan_Hunt said:
That is only when you have to increase View Distance. I'm pretty sure I was able to breach that memory limitation with the commandline.txt file & cross that threshold. Worked fine on my system. ;)

i guess ur right :bleh:
PhOeNiX said:
Try using this commandline.txt file. Works great for me. You can tweak the graphics settings in this to get better gameplay. Though the game works on 100% full graphics on my system.

ur system specs and ur resolution??
Well currently Q9550 + 8800GT + 4GB :P @ 1680*1050

That's why i said change the resolution, View Distance etc to suit your needs, but this will help you out overall.
PhOeNiX said:
Well currently Q9550 + 8800GT + 4GB :P @ 1680*1050
That's why i said change the resolution, View Distance etc to suit your needs, but this will help you out overall.

no wonder u get good frames, this game is a CPU whore. You would have got 60+ even with 8500 GT 1 GIG card ;)
The text file is really helpful. I completed the whole game because of the tweaks in that text file. Just hope they could have made a big patch which took care of the performance issue, but I guess that was too much to ask. :P
For a HD 4850 Radeon on an i7 920 I'd say this is pretty good. Wish my desktop came with a 1gb video card though.

Average FPS: 49.77
Duration: 37.51 sec
CPU Usage: 27%
System memory usage: 43%
Video memory usage: 97%

Graphics Settings
Video Mode: 1920 x 1080 (60 Hz)
Texture Quality: Medium
Texture Filter Quality: High
View Distance: 24
Detail Distance: 33

Microsoft® Windows Vista" Home Premium 
Service Pack 2
Video Adapter: ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series 
Video Driver version:
Audio Adapter: Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU         920  @ 2.67GHz

File ID: benchmark.cli

Aman27deep said:
seeing yours, i feel proud :D

Average FPS: 37.17
Duration: 37.29 sec
CPU Usage: 91%
System memory usage: 97%
Video memory usage: 69%

Graphics Settings
Video Mode: 1024 x 768 (60 Hz)
Texture Quality: High
Texture Filter Quality: Medium
View Distance: 34
Detail Distance: 26

Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Service Pack 3
Video Adapter: ATI Radeon HD 4670
Video Driver version:
Audio Adapter: Realtek HD Audio output
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU          4300  @ 1.80GHz

File ID: Benchmark.cli
For a HD 4850 Radeon on an i7 920 I'd say this is pretty good. Wish my desktop came with a 1gb video card though.

Hmmm. Seems even now, ATi cards aint giving good performacne as compared to nVidia in GTA IV. My 8800GT and Q9550 give me equivalent or better FPS at maxed out settings. Maybe the way it's coded.
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