Graphic Cards GTS 450 Vs GTS 250?


Would a GTS 450 1GB be a worth while upgrade over a GTS 250 1GB?
I ask because the GTS 250 is 256bit while the GTS 450 is only 128bit. The GTS 250 has 128 Cuda cores vs. the 192 for the GTS 450. For some reason I feel like it would be a downgrade to buy a 128bit card nowadays. Am I off base here?

btw, I don't have either of these...I'm planning to buy the best of this..the price for both these cards are $129 (precise) I will be overclocking the card


I said wait just till end of this month. I swear it'll be worth it(dont count on me my swears dont mean much)..

P.S.- Kidding, wait till the end of this month