Graphic Cards GTX460 OC Help.

First of all i would like to bring your attention to the power requirement of my card,

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Some point i would like to mention;
1) the card only got 1 power connector whereas as far as i know, all other cards from different manufacturers have 2 power connector.

2) The card is a oc'd version having frequencies 725/900.
I mostly play COD4 Multiplayer, which is i think is the best benchmarking game/tool i got right now, below are the cod4 display settings on which i game;

Resolution : 1920x1080
Anti-Aliasing : 4x
Anisotropic filtering : Max
Specular Map : on

And all other things were set to off or been kept low, while playing the game @ stock frequencies i m able to get 250fps but not constant everywhere, like if i roam around in map, they keep fluctuating,

If i set the frequencies @ 809/1018, m getting a constant 250fps lock everywhere in the map i roam, but into smoke it drops to as low as 80-90 (doesn't matter much for me), but if i make it 850/1100, i hardly get 250fps in game at the same settings, even then it kept decreasing to as low as 70-130, now if i set the frequencies to 900/1100, i get a windows error message that "nvidia kernel has stopped working" and then the clocks were revert to stock,

Is this problem causing due to the fact that my card is not having another power connector to provide higher voltage for increased frequencies ?
Just one connector? Well thats odd.

250fps? You sure are nuts. Turn on V-Sync, I understand you are facing fps drops and screen tearing.

V-Sync my friend, turn it on.

Get this into your head, beyond 60fps, it MAKES NO DIFFERENCE. Thats probably the refresh rate of your monitor too.
i knw, above 60fps it doesnt makes any difference to human eyes, but, quake engine makes alota difference on which cod4 is based, there are some jumps and glitches which u cant do below 250fps, and for your kind info 76fps is the lowest stable fps to play cod4,
kanishk619 said:
i knw, above 60fps it doesnt makes any difference to human eyes, but, quake engine makes alota difference on which cod4 is based, there are some jumps and glitches which u cant do below 250fps, and for your kind info 76fps is the lowest stable fps to play cod4,
I am niot sure exactly what you mean, but if my understanding is right you mean that thee game will run smoothly only if FPS is 250, and the game is unplayable if FPS < 76. Please follow comp@ddict's solution, and turn on Vsync. You will understand how horribly wrong you are! Most people, except professional gamers playing in tournaments, always enable Vsync.
unixguru said:
I am niot sure exactly what you mean, but if my understanding is right you mean that thee game will run smoothly only if FPS is 250, and the game is unplayable if FPS < 76. Please follow comp@ddict's solution, and turn on Vsync. You will understand how horribly wrong you are! Most people, except professional gamers playing in tournaments, always enable Vsync.
dude m playing the game from past 1 year, and met pro indian players at diff tournaments, and i know what m talking about, have u ever seen v-sync option in cod4 multiplayer ? i cant see any :|

having G2420HD, previously with 266nvidia drivers my game shows 75hz, but after updating to 275.33, game only shows 60hz
Having the game run at higher fps causes the game to reduce delay between each bullet in certain weapons like the AK 47.

The delay reduction is very small ~20ms tops so I think it doesn't matter much.

Dunno about the other bugs/exploits though.
you guys are really taking it to wrong direction, m just asking what can be the problem that is causing low fps @ higher clocks,

although aksdad is indeed right, but the advantage is nest to none, however there are some jump/glitches which cant be done @ 250 or even @ 333 fps but can be done easily @ 125fps,
kanishk619 said:
i knw, above 60fps it doesnt makes any difference to human eyes
human eyes see 24fps locked.

60fps is the standard because of the refresh rate of the monitors @ 60Hz, so @ 60fps, screen tearing is virtually eliminated.

In case you guys never "read", do check out graphic card reviews, where the reviewrs keep chanting, if case the game gives something like 150fps and the opposition card gives 100fps - "well, it doesn't make a difference as the 60fps target is met"
kanishk619 said:
you guys are really taking it to wrong direction, m just asking what can be the problem that is causing low fps @ higher clocks,

although aksdad is indeed right, but the advantage is nest to none, however there are some jump/glitches which cant be done @ 250 or even @ 333 fps but can be done easily @ 125fps,

Since your card is having only one 6pin connector i am guessing it's not feeded with enough juice at higher clocks.
WingZero said:
Since your card is having only one 6pin connector i am guessing it's not feeded with enough juice at higher clocks.

yeah dats the reason your card doesnt able to sufficient power to run at dat clocks

but try to change ur drivers maybe it helps
Try increasing the core clock without further increasing the memory clock. Otherwise it pretty much seems that the card is craving for power at higher clocks. Keep a check on the temperatures between say 809/1018 and say a 850/1100, a spike in thermals would be a good indicator.

Coming to the 250 fps lock, we used to follow it as a religion(blind faith) for promod. Was 125 lock back in those days. Supposedly it helped in shot registration as well, though i was of the belief that it was more dependent on network connection quality. Never really been a fan of the glitches which could supposedly be exploited at particular FPS. You could try toning down on some more eyecandy to achieve your desired frame-rates at lower clocks, lowering some settings actually resulted in better visibility, though i dont recall the exact settings, been out of touch for 2 years almost:(
If you want to overclock, bro find out where the 2nd power connector is.

Regarding 250fps and all, I've said my mind. But I'm pretty sure playing with glitches is a cowards way, an 250fps is a wasted effort for the GPU.
^^ okay, I saw the exceptionally poor graphics, and the muddy yucky textures, but besides that, sorry but I didn't get what you're trying to prove with that.

THat monkey jumping can be achieved with 60fps too if that's what you're asking.
kanishk619 said:
no it cant be achieved below 125 or 250 in some cases, and this is what m trying to say :|
I did a basic google search, and I am seeing a lot of similar threads which are surprisingly very similar to this one! You are saying there are certain "stunts" you can do only if your frame rate is very high. The developers of COD4 are so stupid that they did not notice! Other than for the heck of it, why would anybody want to do this stuff? Apparently most servers will kick you out if they find that you are using glitches.
unixguru said:
I did a basic google search, and I am seeing a lot of similar threads which are surprisingly very similar to this one! You are saying there are certain "stunts" you can do only if your frame rate is very high. The developers of COD4 are so stupid that they did not notice! Other than for the heck of it, why would anybody want to do this stuff? Apparently most servers will kick you out if they find that you are using glitches.
i have never been kicked in any server for doing glitches, they might look easy in video but 1 have to master them so that they can perform that everhytime, even pro players/team uses glitch in tournaments, we even play with server admins/international clans and none till now complained or warned about this :/