Linux GuardDog with FC4 prob

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I m using Fedora Core 4, i downloaded guarddog-2.4.0-1fc3.i386.rpm from GuardDog site.

I installed using rpm -i and Installation was fine...

But when i tried to run and configure guardDog, an error occured (see the attachment)

Pls suggest a solution.

Delete /etc/rc.firewall ...... But why, this error is occuring (just for curiosity). I can remember, Few days back, i faced the same prob, when i was using suse 9.1 and tried to install and configure guarddog for suse.

Pls enlighten me man.

Guarddog is actually a firewall rule generator for Linux's inbuilt netfilter/iptables.

The existing /etc/rc.firewall script was probably created by fedora, or by another iptables rule generator. As a set of firewall rules already exist on your system, which weren't created by Guarddog, it asks you to delete the file to prevent any incompatiblities.
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