A barebones tutorial, but at least it's something. :confused1:
A guy called zeppelinrox on the XDA forum has created a unique script that optimizes the memory on your Android phone, creating a performance increase without touching or overclocking the hardware in any way. This script will work on any ROOTED android phone.
1. Download Busybox : https://play.google.com/store/apps/...=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsInN0ZXJpY3Nvbi5idXN5Ym94Il0. Install the latest version of Busybox using the app. Make sure you wait for the Smart Install to load and do the Smart Install.
2. Download the latest V6 Supercharger Script from here : [Script][MOD][U9RC9T16] -=V6 SuperCharger=- or BUST! Lag, Redraw, RAM & OOM Fixer! - xda-developers (It's in txt or pdf format).
3. Transfer the script to anywhere on your SD card.
4. Download Script Manager : https://play.google.com/store/apps/...sMSwxLDEsIm9zLnRvb2xzLnNjcmlwdG1hbmFnZXIiXQ..
5. As soon as the app opens up : tap "browse as root". You will be asked to grant the app Superuser permissions, which you should do so.
6. Navigate to the script you downloaded and tap it. Check "Is Script" and highlight the "Su" button (the skull with bones). Click the "Run" button to run the script as superuser.
7. From this point on, it should be fairly straightforward. Everything is represented in scrolling text and you can give the inputs via the onscreen keyboard. The script will first run a number of tests. After that, the script will generally guide you towards what to do. First it will ask you to set the scrolling speed (I set it to fast). It will run many tweaks, explaining to you what each tweak does, and asking if you want to run it or not.
8. After everything is done, you will be asked to "Superclean and Restart". Once you do that, the phone will reboot. The first boot will take a bit of time. If you're stuck on the logo, remove your battery, put it back in, and try again. It works most of the time.
I) There is a very small chance of bootloops running this script. Therefore it is highly recommended you have a backup plan before running this script, such as a nandroid backup.
II) For ICS users, you will be required to patch your services.jar file after running all the tweaks. The script can do it automatically. Just make sure you are connected to the internet while running the script.
A guy called zeppelinrox on the XDA forum has created a unique script that optimizes the memory on your Android phone, creating a performance increase without touching or overclocking the hardware in any way. This script will work on any ROOTED android phone.
1. Download Busybox : https://play.google.com/store/apps/...=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsInN0ZXJpY3Nvbi5idXN5Ym94Il0. Install the latest version of Busybox using the app. Make sure you wait for the Smart Install to load and do the Smart Install.
2. Download the latest V6 Supercharger Script from here : [Script][MOD][U9RC9T16] -=V6 SuperCharger=- or BUST! Lag, Redraw, RAM & OOM Fixer! - xda-developers (It's in txt or pdf format).
3. Transfer the script to anywhere on your SD card.
4. Download Script Manager : https://play.google.com/store/apps/...sMSwxLDEsIm9zLnRvb2xzLnNjcmlwdG1hbmFnZXIiXQ..
5. As soon as the app opens up : tap "browse as root". You will be asked to grant the app Superuser permissions, which you should do so.
6. Navigate to the script you downloaded and tap it. Check "Is Script" and highlight the "Su" button (the skull with bones). Click the "Run" button to run the script as superuser.
7. From this point on, it should be fairly straightforward. Everything is represented in scrolling text and you can give the inputs via the onscreen keyboard. The script will first run a number of tests. After that, the script will generally guide you towards what to do. First it will ask you to set the scrolling speed (I set it to fast). It will run many tweaks, explaining to you what each tweak does, and asking if you want to run it or not.
8. After everything is done, you will be asked to "Superclean and Restart". Once you do that, the phone will reboot. The first boot will take a bit of time. If you're stuck on the logo, remove your battery, put it back in, and try again. It works most of the time.
I) There is a very small chance of bootloops running this script. Therefore it is highly recommended you have a backup plan before running this script, such as a nandroid backup.
II) For ICS users, you will be required to patch your services.jar file after running all the tweaks. The script can do it automatically. Just make sure you are connected to the internet while running the script.