Guide Guide To Hacking 2

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In order to find a vulnerability in a service, you will need LOTS and LOTS of
patience, this is like a game where you control your chances of winning, it's bits and pieces about luck but in the end it's your own brain that cracks the nut, not any helpful advice or tool(s). If you want to be a hacker, security wizard you need to be creative. You need to look at problems as challenges, you need to take what people say with a large grain of salt, let me tell you already, I only say this so that you wont get dissapointed in the end when you don't manage to find that darn bug you just knew were around the corner by your second try, more like 500 tries then maybe, just maybe you will end up making a working exploit. Anyway, in a nutshell you need to be patient, creative and be able to think on your own. Sounds easy nuff'?
Source: -


Ill try to include the executables but i dont thin its allowed here. Umm i dont know what to do. Im me on arudit90 on yahoo and we'll work something out. 3 more left. Gonna post them soon. Study the ones above carefully.
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