News Gun Bros 2 trailer out, coming soon for iOS and Android

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Gun Bros is a game by GLU mobile, one of the largest mobile game publishers. And their game Gun Bros was released last year in 2012 to much fame and popularity. The game aim was simple, you used your guns and weapons to survive the hostile forces in the alien planet with your Bro, your Gun Bro.
Gun Bros 2

What made Gun Bros the original even more popular than it already become was the addition of Multiplayer. Co-op made the game double of what it was before. More and more people started playing it with their "Gun BRO" to take on the hostiles and get new high scores (which they did!).

Don’t be a T.O.O.L… Enlist with the GUN BROS today!

The Freakishly Rugged Advanced Genetics Galactic Enforcement Division (AKA F.R.A.G.G.E.D) specializes in the development and deployment of superhuman special agents. Headed since its formation by the brilliant soldier-turned-scientist Mother Gun, its current roster consists of only two active field operatives, code-named Percy and Francis Gun. Their lifelong mission: to protect the cosmos from the Tyrannical Oppressors of Life known as T.O.O.L.

Like a super-powered fungus gone haywire, the evil T.O.O.L organization has grown from the dankest levels of the criminal underworld to spread its own brand of malevolent funk to every corner of the galaxy. Most recently, they’ve set their sights on harvesting the rare element Xplodium in an effort to create even more powerful weapons to enslave the universe… But not if the GUN BROS have anything to do about it!

Fast forward to 2013, and Gun Bros 2 is nearing release for iOS and Android ecosystems. A new trailer shows us what to expect from Gun Bros 2, but let me just tell you anyway:
More shooting, more shooting, MOAR SHOOTING!

Okay, trailer time.

Gun Bros 2 will be out real soon, so hold on tight! And mostly it might be free, with in-app purchases of course (buy GUNS!).

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