guys CBS coming to india

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SharekhaN said:
My post earlier in the thread clearly mentions my opinion on such channels. God, Peace Tv, or any other channel denouncing other religion clearly is a propaganda channel and is pointless.
I was not under the impression that they denounce so much as promote their point of view.
SharekhaN said:
These channels exist to brainwash impressionable young minds.
Wow, i cannot believe you said this. Isn't it the same version of how all western media in general does the same :)

SharekhaN said:
Overall I would hope that all religious channels are banned, but we both know its not going to happen. Hence, I wish for the next best thing, that the people make a choice of not watching such BS.
Why banning tho ? It's used so much here for any silly pretext you would have thought its utility would be obvious. Just let the market decide, like with the rest. What the content of the channel actually is becomes irrelevant in that case.

The progression is quite obvious here, once you make a basis to ban certain subjects it then expands to encompass much more. It leads to more & more censorship in short.
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