CPU/Mobo guys help system is not booting up

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system not boots up
all fans r running when i power on

already changed CMOS battery
changed sata cable
reapplied thermal paste on northbridge

pls guys help!!!:@
Remove ram... power on... check whether motherboard giving beeps to indicate that ram is not present...

Are you using graphics card or onboard vga?? Is the smps fan spinning?? Have you tried the same system on some other monitor??? sorry to ask questions but this how troubleshooting goes...apology

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input awaited:)

yes smps fan is spinning

tried in two diff. monitors

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nothing no beep fan is spinning as they should just there is no output....
as i said try removing ram and then power up... see whether the mobo is giving beep... if no beep there a prob in motherboard
^ ok disconnect your hdd, remove both the rams, blow air in the ram slots, check the ram connectors for any dirt, clean it. And insert any one and power on the system.

Post your results.

If problem persist, try a different psu, or the existing one on your friends system.
chiragsthakur said:
as i said try removing ram and then power up... see whether the mobo is giving beep... if no beep there a prob in motherboard
tried removing both rams

no beep sound!!!
^ am pretty sure you haven't put the case speaker,which makes the beep sound.

And mention the PSU model name.
^^hey dude already done this thing

so guys tellme which thing is faulty

will buy it tommorrow!!!

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intex 450w :P

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sorry for the double post
^OMG using intex PSU.Hmm....

Now it can't be really figured out which one is the culprit,as intex alien virus has already taken over.:P

Your best bet would be to take it over to a professional and spend few bucks get yourself known which one or ones are dead.

For me it looks like the mobo.
And don't forget to change your PSU.
starting pc after 5 minutes my NB starts getting heated

i think if MB is the culprit this shudn't happen naa

m i right??
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