Haiku - Geek style

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For those who don't know, haiku's are 3 line poems with 5,7,5 syllables
Start your haiku with the last line or word of the previous one
Those who don't know what are syllables, shooo....

I stare at my hand
There is a "micro"phone there
Too small to be seen
saumilsingh said:
3 line poems with 5, 7, 5 words, not syllables :P

"Microphone" itself is 3 syllables.

i MEAN syllables, NOT words

*can't believe no one knows what syllables are*

Too small to be seen, - 5 syl.

But it can't es/cape my keen nose, - 8 syl.

This mor/sel of de/li/cious chic/ken. - 9 syl.

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Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source

syl·la·ble /ˈsɪləbəl/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[sil-uh-buhl] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation noun, verb, -bled, -bling.


1. an uninterrupted segment of speech consisting of a center of relatively great sonority with or without one or more accompanying sounds of relatively less sonority: “Man,” “eye,” “strength,” and “sixths” are English words of one syllable.

2. one or more written letters or characters representing more or less exactly such an element of speech.

3. the slightest portion or amount of speech or writing; the least mention: Do not breathe a syllable of all this.

–verb (used with object)

4. to utter in syllables; articulate.

5. to represent by syllables.

–verb (used without object)

6. to utter syllables; speak

chic/ken i yearn for, (5)

i go/to k/f/c now, (7)

to sa/ti/ate me (5)
I know what a syllable is.
Turns out I didn't know what a Haiku is :P

Sa/tiate is 2 syllables. It's more to do with division of flow, not sound; Shyet, not Shi-et.

Come Worms na.
^^ oye, read the rulz :P You have to start with last word or sentence of previous haiku. e.g., I ended with "us"

Us,us, us, and them
And after all were only
ordinary men
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