Happy Birthday BF1983

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Many Happy returns of the day, Brendon!

May you go on to bestow us all with lot more photography goodness in the years to come :D

Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk
@Metalspree, Darky, Konquerror, cisco_tech, Asidxxx, m.khurana, CA50, sarang, asingh, The Sorceror, 6pack, medpal, Tanuj, b_naresh, adder, haraakiri, Faraz, iaudio, titana, Sudarshan_SMD, madnav, eternoMind, Emperor, Roxtin, Freaky - Thanks guys. :D

@Anshul - Yes you better drag your a** down there and show off you l33t gear. :D

@Aces - Thanks. Yeah sorry about that. :P

@ggt - Ha ha, Reliance hasn't even provided me with a 3G connection. :( But thanks for the birthday wishes. :)
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