Happy Birthday BIKeINSTEIN

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Happy budday yaar.

Wtf, I had no idea it was yer budday, till you told me on msn o.O

So, 28? Rofl ... yer gonna be old, and wrinkled up and stuff real soon!
Systemic Anamoly said:
many many happy returns of the day dude :)
Thank you very much!!:)

Darklord said:
Hey Happy Birthday Man !!!
Many Many Happy Returns of the Day !
Have a Blast.
Get well soon,so that you can give us a treat :P
Just kiddin.Go n Enjoy !:clap:
Sure!! And i am not kidding!!:ohyeah:
BTW, Thanks a lot for everything Darky Dada!!:)

zhopudey said:
Ooops....I'm late :ashamed:
Many happy returns of the day, Rishi. Keep rocking :hap2:
No, u r not!!:bleh: In fact u were one of the early morning callers!!:)
Thanks a lot for all your support Zhops and bearing with me inspite fo however boring or irritating i get!!:)

apollyon said:
happy birthday rishi :)
Thanks a lot Apo!!:)
Organic Farming and a wildlife reserve to us!!:D

Udit said:
happy birthday my best buddy Rishi
many many happy returns of the day
you are the best guy & chatter i have ever met online in my life
may you live for a million years
enjoy your day today & party as hard as possible
wishing you a great day & year ahead
:hap2: :clap: :party:
hope you get well soon
Thank you very much Udu Da!!:)
Its an honour to be your friend!!:)

Amol said:
Happy birthday buddy :)
may you live forever..lol
Nahinn..... max till 55 only i hope, that too fit and fine!!:P
Thank you Audio Guru!!:)

digital_brain said:
happy birthday bickey .. have a blast :)
Thanks a lot pal!!:)

Switch said:
Happy Super Bday Bikey...
Wishing you a full recovery this year and Wishing you a wonderful year ahead...
Thanks you very very much for your best wishes and support from Day one on TE, Switch Bhaiya( Mere Bade- but age mein chhotey- Bhaiya)!!:ohyeah:

friedclyde said:
hey bikey have a blast sorry to be late as well :) All the best Rishi!
Not late at all FriedClyde!!
Thank you very very much and looking forward to meeting you at the TE meets when i am able to move out and attend all the rest then on!!:)

medpal said:
Hey Rishi,
Wish you a very happy birthday and an fruitfull year ahead.
I also wish you happen to enjoy all your stunts :bleh: to the full and come out intact in one piece :clap: :rofl: .
You have been a great colourfull asset to the TE community.
LIke deejay said you should have a very looooooooooooooooong life so that TE too gets rooooooooooooooocking.
Bandar kitna bhi Boodha ho jaaye, .....:P
And guess what, in my first year in Engg college hostel, freshers would be scared of ragging and i was one of the first to be allowed to mingle with my seniors- they called me 'Sappu Technicolour'!!:rofl:
Thank you Doc- you are a thorough gentleman yourself!!:)

magnet said:
arra bikey da bday..........have a rocking day dude.....and i wish
aapka bacha jiya aapka khoon piya......lol.......but do rock dude......
Maa kasam, kahinn Bachha H/W and/or Auto buff niklaa, toh teri baat sach ho gayi samajhoonga!!:P
BTW, Thanks!!:)

Sandy said:
Happy Bday Bikey :D have a blast
Awww!! The 'Shy Guy'- handsome types Southie Star- has spoken!!:P
Thanks alot Sandy!!:)

TechHead said:
Happy birthday dude, have a nice one!
Thanks a lot 'ODD everything' Guru!!
Looking forward to meeting you too!!:)

Maxguru said:
Hello sir... many happy returns of the day ... hope u live 100 million years... its good to have a friend like u .. any i dnt knew its ur birthday ... just by change on TE i saw this thread and ur one big happening man here.... all the best .. and yeah. this year i want to see u runnig.. and why not.. apna safari is on the way .. ahahahahahha .. all the ebst and happy hapy hapy birthday .
Aing, mere Dialogue mujhe hi!!:P
I am the lucky one to have you as one of my buddies!!:)

Maxguru said:
and dont worry your birthday gift is on ur way ... and i am sure youy will love it.. tan tanatan tan
No gifts- All my friends in this life are the best gifts i can have in many lifetimes!!:cool2:

Josh said:
Hey Bikey... HAPPY BIRTHDAY...to the guy with the most amazing attitude...always helpful...
Hope you get Success in Life...
:clap: :clap: :clap:
Thanks a lot Josh!!:)
Why are you guys embarassing me re- i feel the same about all you TE pals!!
Can't believe that so many good beings still existed till i came to TE!!:cool2:
I say 'Beings' coz i fell 'Humans are most inhuman' these days!!:(

broar94 said:
Hiya Bike , many happy returns of the day!!!
Have loads of fun :)
Thanks a lot Arun!!:)
Found a good cabby??:huh:

suhayl said:
Happy B'day Bikey
Have a great year ahead
Thanks a lot Suhayl!!:)
Going Conroe na- Sahii...!!:ohyeah:

Google said:
Happy birthday Bikey :D
Thanks a lot Google!!
Mo ka dost apun ka achha dost!!:)

Vince said:
Happy Birthday Bikey! Hope you had a great day! :)
Yes Vincey, with pals like you, happiness guaranteed!!:)

params7 said:
hey happy birthday dude!!
Thank you Mobile/cell guru!!:)

Unrealistic said:
Happy budday yaar.
Wtf, I had no idea it was yer budday, till you told me on msn o.O
So, 28? Rofl ... yer gonna be old, and wrinkled up and stuff real soon!
No probs, but i am taking a treat from you anyways so alls ok!!:P
And physically old- yes; mentally- '23' till i die!!:rofl:
er i am late :ashamed: hope u HAD a good birthday :) and hope u win some lottery and get cool hardware that u can share with me :P
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