Storage Solutions hard disk connector pin broken

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I have broken one of the pins of my HDD where you connect the IDE cable.
Is there anyway to repair it ? or can i replace it some how ?
if you know soldering then it would take max 30 minutes to do the job. (replacing the entire 40 pin connector)
ps: for the connector you can use any old / discarded cd rom etc...
if not then any electronic repair shop will do it for you cheaply.
anyways, post a pic of the fault area so that "alternate solutions" can be provided.
I dont think that its going to work with soldering ...i think you need to buy a new HDD..just let me know if soldering worked..Iam sure it wont but just wanted to know if it works!!!!!!!!!
The 40 pin connector can be changed as deejay pointed out... Around three years back i had ordered 20 HDD'd from Samsung... On opening the box i found that two of them had similar problems... Th samsung guys changed the connectors of the HDD's... And yes they didnt change the HDD's...

If you are uncomfortable with the soldering visit the local hardware repair shop... They would charge aywhere between 50 to 500 bucks for the same... You can also try visiting the HDD manufacturer's service centre... They would charge a little more but you will be more tension free...
deejay said:
if you know soldering then it would take max 30 minutes to do the job. (replacing the entire 40 pin connector)
ps: for the connector you can use any old / discarded cd rom etc...
if not then any electronic repair shop will do it for you cheaply.
anyways, post a pic of the fault area so that "alternate solutions" can be provided.

u get the connetctors at ur elex shops.. just ask for 40 pin male FRC connector :)

EDIT : my 40gig has 3 pins fine. Its been 3 years since the pins got broke
SunMysore said:
u get the connetctors at ur elex shops.. just ask for 40 pin male FRC connector :)

not sure if that wud work. If u see the underside of the HDD, u'll notice that the 40-pins (from the connector) are soldered to the PCB in a linear fashion, i.e., in a single line rather that 2 rows! Perhaps that is why Deejay suggested the connector from old/discarded CD-ROMs.

On my IDE HDD, one pin was broken (the solder part on the PCB came off..) i re-soldered n its working fine since then.
no works fine after resoldering...i had a pin in m old pc re works like a charm....though i got it done from nehru place....
IceFusion said:
no works fine after resoldering...
I wasnt denying that.. i was contemplating whether sunny's idea wud work.. coz I think u wud need a specific connector like from the old CD-ROM as DJ mentioned..
i have a old cd rom drive which is not working so i can use it's pin connector.So should i remove a indiviual pin and resolder it or get the whole connector replaced.
is there some other replacement for a indiviual pin ?
1) Select a suitable pin on the old cd connector.
2) desolder that pin only.
3) with a plier pull out that pin from the pcb.
4) with some force pull out that pin from the plastic bracket of the cd connecrtor.
5) reverse the procedure on ur HDD.
first remove the part of the broken pin from the hdd pcb.
ps: if ur not comfortable in doing the above , just go to a electronics repair shop and get it done there.

bargain for the "repair charges" , 20 ~ 30 Rupees is a reasonable amount for the above procedure:D
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I will try it on my own seems to be intresting.Will try it and let u know if it worked.Last time i had tried soldering a capacitor on tnt card ended up burning the PCB. :)
I had a spare lan wire at home removed one of the wires from it and removed the insulation from it.i then opened my hdd cover and tied the wire to the pin inside and put the other end in to the IDE cable.when i booted the hard disk drive was detected(did not expect it to work like this).
But now my main 80 GB hdd was not being detected.This hard disk works only if i remove the repaired hard disk.I have tried putting the repaired hard disk on secondory and my main hard disk on primary still the main hdd is not detected then if i remove the IDE to the repaired hdd the main hdd is detected.
Basically i cannot make them work together.I have disconnected my cd rom drive.
this thread is really old, but some of the ideas in it helped me. so i want to share my "fix" for two broken IDE pins on my 120 GB HD. this HD held all of my pictures and i almost fainted when the pins broke and i couldn't access it. but i fixed it. this is what i did (really):

i took a small safety pin, not the big ones, but the smaller ones. it was gold, not sure if that mattered, and i clipped the very end - the pointy piece, off, so it wasnt sharp. then i stuck that (now not sharp) end into the cable hole where the missing IDE pin would go if it hadn't broken off. i pushed it all the way in, and clipped it slightly above the top of the cable/hole opening. i repeated this for the second hole. now i had two pieces of safety pin sticking slightly out of the holes in the cable openings. I inserted the cable over the other 38? pins, and booted up. whallah! i had my lifetime of pictures back!

thats nuts huh? but it worked and i am the happiest man alive right now!!! :clap: :hap2: :clap: :tongue: :ohyeah: :tongue:
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