Harmony Computer -> Lamest Title ever!

Party Monger said:

No wonder it looks real...right alsi??:lol:

Yup, nothing is as real as real iself :eek:hyeah:
Deepcee said:
This is what I did after I got the tablet. If you guys are wondering how sensitive the tablet is....I would have never gotten those curves if I didn't have my tablet.

If your wondering...Yeah.. I love Manga.

Dude, you are good with curves man ;)
Deepcee said:
This is what I did after I got the tablet. If you guys are wondering how sensitive the tablet is....I would have never gotten those curves if I didn't have my tablet.

If your wondering...Yeah.. I love Manga.
You are incredible at colour seperations.
I guess I should explain the title of this post...

Wa in Japanese means harmony and com is computer (the Japanese have a way of putting together a word. Kinda like the Famicom)

And thanks to everyone who liked my sketches and drawing. Guess I should start working on setting up a Deviant account. Got a lot more if you guys wanna check it out.
nukeu666 said:
make some sata cables going places they normally wouldnt(hentai)


That actually gave me an idea. If you guys are interested I should have a rough sketch up soon.

Don't worry...It will be G rated :)

lol... u fancy this nuke666? :)