Has nobody played SF4?

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rapt0r said:
Please use proper title for threads. This is irritating.

ashr said:
or you could just stay away from ambiguously titled threads?

Or I could delete this thread within 24 hours, infact I will. I dont open threads with such title, but being a mod I have to.

My first instinct was to delete it immediately but good that rapt0r brought up the issue.

You can post such titles in showoff section threads, though even there it shouldnt be allowed, but in tech sections be precise.
Renegade said:
Or I could delete this thread within 24 hours, infact I will. I dont open threads with such title, but being a mod I have to.

My first instinct was to delete it immediately but good that rapt0r brought up the issue.

You can post such titles in showoff section threads, though even there it shouldnt be allowed, but in tech sections be precise.

are there posting guidelines anywhere? i didn't think it was a big deal. never had a problem on any other forum. please link me to the rules. i can't seem to find them.
^Why not just post the proper detail? Trust me it would be easier to attract more viewers if you provide an appropriate title. I gave it a miss several times without knowing it was meant for SF4. I just peaked in out of curiosity.
What's wrong with the thread title? He's asking if anybody has played SF4 and that's exactly what's being discussed in here. I don't get it..
^Easily dude. Considering this game won't have extreme rendering to do like DMC & Lost Planet, it should work easily on your card.
The arcade version of SF4 which has been running since months in Japan is actually a PC with a 7600GT level card. Suffice to say an 8800GT would be more than enough.
ashr said:
that link is old. what's worrying fans who are waiting for the PC version is Capcom keeping mum about an ETA.

it's definitely coming. not sure what pc gamers need to be worried about. at most, they are impatient.
When it's Capcom, you have to be very very patient. Most of their games usually comes atleast 6 months after their console counterparts. They claim Dark Void has a possibility of simultaneous release though. I'm not sure how SF4 would gel with the 360's D-Pad. :(
^the 360's pad is really really shitty for fighting games. i played an SF4 tourney last week and i couldn't pull off anything on that controller.

it's terrible. even PC keyboard is better.
I know. The PS2 DS controller was an excellent choice but unfortunately I can't use that. I guess I'll settle for the keyboard controls.
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