Hathway Cablenet doubts....

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I think for doing this you will need a *router machine* and not a physical router... *mind You* You will need one machine with a lan card dedicated for the hathway(that means it needs to be on for other to work)... You need to install the second lan card in the same machine and make it a router... Sounds complicated but it isnt... This is the only way to workaround a cyberoam software... No physical router will help directly...

The good news is you dont need to spend a lot...

For the complete setup you just need...

A Crossover Cable(PC1 to PC2)
Three Lan Cards(Onboard will work)
A Proxy server(Though you can work without the proxy also but it helps)
Switch, I have played around with my Hathway connection so much so that I know almost every way to beat their crappy setup......

Sunny cn't use a router machine (which is what I do) as he doesn't want to keep any one of the PCs on all the time.....WHat you need to do sunny is this:

1- Get a hardware router...SMC routers come fairly cheap...In fact a SMC wireless router is ~1400 so am sure plain vanilla routers would be even cheaper....
2- Set up the hardware router and configure your LAN....This is a fairly simple procss and am sure Sunny boy doesn't need guidance on this.....Set up the WAN ip of the router to the fixed IP (most prbably a 192.168.x.x) IP that Hathway gave you

3- Assuming you run Windows 2000/XP, Run regedit and Navigate to the key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters". Right-click on "Parameters" and select New->"DWORD Value". Name the value "DefaultTOSValue". Double click on the newly created value and change the value from 0 to 2.

4- Install Cyberoam client on both the machines....

5- Login from the client on any one machine.....
6 Enjoy...You will ahve net on both the PCs.....(What I meant by Leeching was this ;-) it waznt a techie term)
The problem with the crossover setup is that the gateway PC will need to be on all the time which Sunnyboy does't want to do,,,,,
You need to do it on both/all the machines
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