Having lot of trouble with Gmail!!


I am having lot of trouble logging into my gmail account...

The damm thing just gets stuck on the "loading" thing and then displays this...

This seems to be taking longer than usual. Your session may have been interrupted. If your account doesn't appear in the next few seconds, please refresh this page in your browser.

If you continue to have trouble loading your account, please visit the help center for troubleshooting information.
email address

sometimes when i log in i get the red bar sayin cache is full....i did watever was told to get rid of it....but still doesnt work..

Right now hotmail seems much better n faster than Gmail!!

any1 facing a similar situtation??

Btw i am using Win XP SP2 and IE6
^^ done all that...still doesnt work
OT : how do i do a re-install of internet explorer....coz i am getting errors on most pages
I had this some time back. The only solution I could find was to clear the cookies and cache. Does not always work though. Remember to have cookies enabled.
Wraith said:
^^ done all that...still doesnt work
OT : how do i do a re-install of internet explorer....coz i am getting errors on most pages
Are you trying this at work or at home? I used to have a similar problem at work, where my user account had restricted privileges. Turned out that nothing would get stored in the cache. Since I knew the administrator password, I changed the folder permissions, added my user to the group and assigned myself full read/write access :)
The time this happens also try to ping mail.google.com and see if any loss of packets ??

Ok check your Java Scripts options in your browser.
Gmail is Slow ?????? Its Just Like Google , opens in 2-3sec for me ! I am on 128k broadband and I use IE ! Much Much Much Better then Yahoo ! Try deleting the cookies ! :)
Yes GMAIL has not given any problems form me....Its the best in my opinion...Use Firefox..I have noticed that GMAIL loads faster in Firefox than in IE...
I also have problems with Gmail on my 128kbps connection. So i just ping, and check. It shows about 50% to 90% packet loss. So essentially this is the problem. Try to throttle your connection or wake it up. Open google.com ( fastest page to load ) and ping mail.google.com couple of times till there is no packet loss. Then Gmail will open without any problem.

This happens after all Routers are also OS, so they also tend to get complacent and disregard pesky packets :rofl:
i am seriously fed up with Gmail....it f*****n just doesnt open up for ages!!!!

this is all that i get....tried clearin the cache the cookies everything...even tried a diff browser....but the damm thing just doesnt work!!!

does any1 have a solution for this?
edit : image link changed
Its possibly some problem with your ISP...happened to me quite a lot of times.

Its also possible that some script is not loading properly at your end.
If you are using a pop-up blocker...try to disable it and load the page.