HD2 reborn

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red dragon

I was kind of tired and frustrated with my year old hd2 and the stupid buggy winmobile.Planning to sell it off and just yesterday someone from this forum told me about:ohyeah:the NAND flash with gingerbread and guess what?It is flying.k
^^Yea but I guess its still not possible to get the "Market" app on WM7. Any updates on that front?
Pat said:
^^Yea but I guess its still not possible to get the "Market" app on WM7. Any updates on that front?
Yes its very possible.. I used fully functional live services :D

My HD2 -> stock winmo6.5 OS -> custom winmo6.5 ROM -> custom winmo6.5 ROM + Android from SD (dual boot :D) -> Android from NAND -> Windows phone 7 from NAND -> Back to Android from NAND :D huhahuha
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