What is your intel driver version? Could be an issue with that if its not the player.
All drivers & BIOS is the very latest on my system
custom sync settings dont work if EVR CP is selected in output. it works only if sync renderer is used.
Ya ... I remember that "sync-renderer" needs to be chosen & did that too earlier ...... [of the quick glance that I had of the user-guide tutorial ...... but that thingy is missing today]
hi terence_fdes, are you aware of the 23.976 Hz issue with Intel ?
please read this, dont know if it is helpful 23.976 Hz video output issue still not fixed in Ivy Bridge? - AnandTech Forums
THIS IS INDEED NEWS TO ME ...... and very interesting. Although the discussion is dated (before Ivy's release) and will need to dig deeper ..... Over 95% of my movies are at 23.976

Was this fully resolved after Ivybridge was released ???
Allow me to use just two of the quotes from that discussion .....
Well, either it works or it doesn't. If Intel has improved it with Ivy Bridge so that it stutters for example only every 30 minutes instead of every 5 minutes then I think it's still unacceptable - it will still take focus from the movie and I will be counting the minutes until the next stutter occurs.
Finally, does anyone know why it technically is so hard to produce a proper 23.976Hz video output? Why are so many hardware manufacturers having problems with this?
Incidently, the frequency of this happenning is every 3-5 minutes on my set-up ..... which is terribly irritating to me.
While 4K video support is impressive, Intel hasn’t completely fixed the 24fps issue that some people noticed in Sandy Bridge. By not quite getting the frame rate of video playback for this format of video, movies can appear to stutter.
When asked about this, Dr Hong Jiang, senior principal engineer and chief media architect for Intel, said that ‘we’ve improved the clock for Ivy Bridge, so that issue is much reduced. Compared to Sandy Bridge, it’s a major step forward.’ Tom Piazza, Intel senior fellow, chipped in, adding that ‘it’s significantly reduced – you’d have to look real hard to catch it.’
Intel must be f*^g NUTS to think that their attitude can be condoned. My WDTV Live Hub does not have this issue - glitches / flickers. I would hate to sit and watch movies with this thing happenning on my premium system.
So what kinda further tweaking on mpc-hc or VLC ..... will try out XBMC too ?
I am planning on Nvidia 660 Ti or just the 660 GPU (Asus) by Diwali ...... would this solve the problem ?
Meanwhile, I do not intend giving up at all ..... thanks to all you guys on TE for giving me the leads and everything else. Will keep updating as I run through various tests ..... I have over 1200 of the Best Movies that were ever made ..... and this silly problem needs a "solution"
EDIT: reading up on a very interesting test tight now Intels Ivybridge an HTPC perspective (the test bed matches my own rig somewhat )..... just quoting 2 things
One of the most talked about issues with the Intel GPU for HTPC purposes is the lack of proper 23.976 Hz display refresh rate support. Does this get solved in Ivy Bridge? In this review, we present our experience with Ivy Bridge as a HTPC platform using a Core i7-3770K (with Intel HD Graphics 4000)
and does RAM too have a role
As readers will see in a later section, it is possible that the memory bandwidth and latency can play a very important role in the video post processing performance.
curious ....