Graphic Cards HD6900 series a DISAPPOINTMENT? Anyone else think so?? Coin in your opinions

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I seriously think it's a BUMMER. I mean the HD6950 performance could have been achieved by something like a HD6890.

Yeah right a HD6890, an OCed HD6870 to say 1050Mhz Core and 1250Mhz memory(5GT/s chips anyways on HD6800). The performance difference is hardly a bit more than 7-10 fps, and the power consumption increase of the HD6950 can easily be equalled with an OCed HD6870, albeit these:

1. A billion transistors less
2. More than 100mm^2 smaller die
3. END RESULT = Lesser price of the product in near future

Re: HD6900 series a DISAPPOINTMENT??? Anyone else think so??? Coin in your opinions

I am disappointed on the 6950 but not too much on the 6970...just because of the price range....

It remains the same battle ... 5870 vs gtx 480

and now ...... 6970 vs gtx 580 ....though this time the difference is a bit large...

I hope ATI cuts down the price so that it takes the place of a value /performance card...

If, 6970 is priced around 22k will sell like hot cake... IMO...
Re: HD6900 series a DISAPPOINTMENT??? Anyone else think so??? Coin in your opinions

There is no comparison btw the 580 and 6970.


IMO the ideal price for 6970 would be 18k or less.

At the moment it will be priced around 19-20k.

The usual conversion to sell over here is like Rs.55 or so.

360 x 55 = 19800

So it will be priced btw 20-21k or so
Re: HD6900 series a DISAPPOINTMENT??? Anyone else think so??? Coin in your opinions

I find the GTX 570 to be THE BEST --
40$ cheaper than 6970 (if techpowerup prices are true HIS Radeon HD 6970 2 GB Review - Page 1/33 | techPowerUp)
Has the extra features -- PhysX, CUDA etc which makes some games have the extra edge ( my favourite is the Mafia 2)
And now the cycle is repeating I guess -- the green team seem to be back on track and might be even for the next 2 series...
In the end its good that we get a lot of options and would be awesome if one day we get the same prices as in US or even lesser..:)
Re: HD6900 series a DISAPPOINTMENT??? Anyone else think so??? Coin in your opinions

^^ More then PhysX its the extra tessellation compute power advantage of Nvidia. CUDA could help it convert into a lot of other useful non-gaming applications. 6950 should be attractive at 15-16k range. But basically all these cards are a waste at full HD resolution only at 4MP and above or if you are into eye-finity would these come useful. A 5850 is more then capable for anything at full HD.
Re: HD6900 series a DISAPPOINTMENT??? Anyone else think so??? Coin in your opinions

Yea new 6900 is a disgrace ... I was so planning to buying 6970 thinking it would beat 580 black and blue :P ... sad ...
Re: HD6900 series a DISAPPOINTMENT??? Anyone else think so??? Coin in your opinions

well, lets look at it in a more positive way. For the first time (after the launch of HD 5000 series) Nvidia really seems to be competitive in terms of price,performance and power consumption with AMD, lets just hope AMD cuts the prices of their cards, so if there are cuts on the 6950, obviously it will push the prices of 6870 and then the 6850 a bit lower. Now add the GTX 560 into the mix, we may see more price cuts...
Re: HD6900 series a DISAPPOINTMENT??? Anyone else think so??? Coin in your opinions

Well I doubt.

Considering that for almost a year or perhaps year and half 5850 hasn't really changed its price much and still provides nearly as much competition at the same price point, I doubt there will be too much of change in the pricing scenario in the next 3 months or so.

Honestly, if somebody has a 5850 or 460 or better then he should either upgrade straight to a CF/SLI/580~ setup or wait for 7850/7950 to come!
Re: HD6900 series a DISAPPOINTMENT??? Anyone else think so??? Coin in your opinions

rite said:
Well I doubt.

Honestly, if somebody has a 5850 or 460 or better then he should either upgrade straight to a CF/SLI/580~ setup or wait for 7850/7950 to come!
Why one shud wait for 7850 or 7950?, nvidia is back on track and releasing great cards... which requires less power, producess less heat and great at tesselation...

Amd Delayed the release date of hd6970 2 3 times coz they wanted to make hd6970 faster than gtx580 but they ended up with a slower card... which produces more heat...
Re: HD6900 series a DISAPPOINTMENT??? Anyone else think so??? Coin in your opinions

Because most of the games I play run fine at max settings (no AA) at 1920x1080 even on my 5850.

I don't feel the need to upgrade, hence upgrading to nVidia would be just a waste of money for me.

However, maybe 6 months down the line I may feel the need to upgrade to a 580 or a newer card of that time.
Re: HD6900 series a DISAPPOINTMENT??? Anyone else think so??? Coin in your opinions

guys come on... the price performance ratio for AMD is still better than nvidia. AMD needs new ideas not the same old ones rehashed!
Re: HD6900 series a DISAPPOINTMENT??? Anyone else think so??? Coin in your opinions

^^ wasnt that what nvidia did for 2 years right from 8800gt to the gts250?
Re: HD6900 series a DISAPPOINTMENT??? Anyone else think so??? Coin in your opinions

Well the only way in which these cards seem to be a disappointment is that last gen, the 5xxx series annahilated the 4xx series, now both the companies have good products - so relative to last gen, yes these are disappointing.
Re: HD6900 series a DISAPPOINTMENT??? Anyone else think so??? Coin in your opinions

^^ More then PhysX its the extra tessellation compute power advantage of Nvidia.

err HD6970 beat GTX580 in Unigine....
Re: HD6900 series a DISAPPOINTMENT??? Anyone else think so??? Coin in your opinions

I'd say it's the name that got everyone confused or disappointed. No more is the bigger the number the better the performance when it comes down to FPS in games.
Re: HD6900 series a DISAPPOINTMENT??? Anyone else think so??? Coin in your opinions

Anyway, no point buying anything now. There are a ton of new games coming next year. Big launch of CryEngine 3 and possibly some Tech5 engine game. It would make sense to wait for these games/engines to debut before making a decision.
After 560 is out I dont think there will be any new cards that will give a substantial performance increase till the 28nm(next generation) cards hit the market and that maybe a year away or so too early to speculate. So if you are in the market for a card get the best you can afford now or you already have a decent card to see you out then sit tight.
Who will pay extra 4K to 5K for HD 6950 , IMO HD 6870 is well priced for 14.2K

The OCed HD 6870 equals the performance of HD 6950 !!
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