Storage Solutions HDD Worries...

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Hey guys, need a big favour frm ya'all.
I've a Intel 915 Mobo with a 80GB HDD(not SATA), and a DVD writer running fine for the past 6 months. Now, I want to connect another 40GB HDD(again, this one is also not a SATA) to my comp. But I could find only 1 IDE slot in the mobo. I cannot return the HDD back, I wholly depend on u guys to give me a solution.
You can get an external USB2 case or USB2IDE cable


get a PCI IDE controller card.


an adapter from SATA Mobo connector to IDE HDD - these can be troublesome :(
Ah! feels good to see more than a solution. Thanx mate, u made my day...
Can anyone make me aware of how much the following two would cost me in chennai (approx figures would just do fine) :
>PCI IDE controller card.
>External USB2 case or USB2IDE cable (I can understand that USB2IDE has an IDE connector at one end and USB at the other, wat is a USB2 case like?)
P.S - Just flashed my mind, will an IDE cable with 4 connectors do fine here?
IDE cables dont come with 4 connectors. USB converter is best and most useful idea. Costs around Rs1000 for the good ones. Cheap ones start at Rs500 or so.

fash_1 said:
Ah! feels good to see more than a solution. Thanx mate, u made my day...
Can anyone make me aware of how much the following two would cost me in chennai (approx figures would just do fine) :
>PCI IDE controller card.
>External USB2 case or USB2IDE cable (I can understand that USB2IDE has an IDE connector at one end and USB at the other, wat is a USB2 case like?)

P.S - Just flashed my mind, will an IDE cable with 4 connectors do fine here?

Like Raghu said not possible to have more than 2 connectors on one IDE cables.

I know that the PCI IDE controllers are available but I dont know their prices or current brands available.

I think the case or the USB2IDE cable are the best bet. The cases start at 500/- upwards to 2500/- for IDE HDDs .... a good USB2IDE cable should cost you around 500 to 600/-. Please resist the temptation to buy the cheaper USB cases - these will give you a lot of trouble.... and.... dont buy these products made by TechCom..... bad bad BAD...... if you want to get an idea of the prices of these cases do a search in Ebay India. Prices quoted at Ebay at times are ridiculously high :)

A good USB2IDE cable which I have got is reviewed in the link given below .... this is availbale in Mumbai for around 550/-. The only drawback with these cables is that the HDD is left open. The drawback with using a USB case is that the HDD get quite hot.

Review: R-Driver II USB to IDE cable
Thanx very much Eazy n Raghu. The link to the review was very helpful, will prolly pick it up this weekend. ;-)

You Have 1 IDe Port And 1 DVD right

So Now you Have 1 HDD Right ,So Make a Master/Slave Config and USe Them


You Have 1 IDe Port And 1 DVD right
So Now you Have 1 HDD Right ,So Make a Master/Slave Config and USe Them



He already has a HDD and DVD Drive in Master/Slave. And the new drive is also IDE.

@fash_1: get youself a PCI addon IDE controller. That should solve your problem. If the second drive is just a backup drive for data, then you can also get an external HDD casing and connect it using USB.

Also If possible try to return the drive and get yourself a SATA HDD.
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