Have you considered that maybe your previous DAC/SC was giving you a Bass heavy signature, while filtering out the mids & treble ? :bleh:I actually have a Xonar DG in my desktop. I don't find much difference, in fact the highs have become more sharp and uncomfortable with Xonar dg.
How about a E6 then? A friend of mine is selling his E6. Shall I go for it instead, considering that I have a Xfi already.
Welcome to the "Audiophile loop". You'll upgrade your HP and find your DAC or Amp isn't good enough. When you upgrade your DAC or Amp, you'll figure your HP isn't taking full advantage of it. Ad-infinitum. :head2:
For me, the Bass on the AD700 was sufficient, so never really bothered about getting an Amp specifically for that purpose.
Now, I haven't heard the E6 personally, but it's sound signature is supposedly very close to the E5, which I do have. If this is the case, then I'd say the E6 wouldn't really help you. The "Bass Boost" on the E5 is very subtle, and not "in your face"; it doesn't have much impact with the bass shy signature of the AD700.
From the comments fLUX had put down earlier, it would appear that the E11 might be a better pairing than E6.
The E6 shouldn't cost a lot, so if you're OK risking a small amount, go ahead. If you have IEMs, the E6 usually makes a good partner. But do not have hopes that it'll improve the Bass drastically on the AD-700.