71-90K Heavy multitasking rig with medium encoding and gaming

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  1. What is your budget?
    • 70k-110k. 70k+. but can extend to 1lakh too if quite better performance configuration is there. please note the following. BUDGET - I can spend as much for the config for my need told above like between 70k to 1.1lakh, but would like to cut extravagancy, but also want best parts to cover my usage. And I want to be future proof for upto minor-medium encoding and gaming. Heavy multitasking I do currently - remember - 4 browsers opened with 50+ tabs each, vms, softwares. Add the near future encoding and gaming to it (medium both)
  2. What is your existing hardware configuration (component name - component brand and model)
    • CPU - laptop with CORE i3
    • Motherboard - via model
    • GPU - no
    • RAM - 8gb transcend
    • Monitor - asus 22
    • PSU - corsair cx430
    • ssd - 840 pro 240gb
    • hdd - 1tb
    • (please mention the rest in above format)
  3. Which hardware will you be keeping (component name - component brand and model)
    • Monitor - asus 22
    • PSU - corsair cx430
    • (please mention the rest in above format)
  4. Which hardware component are you looking to buy (component name). If you have already decided on a configuration then please mention the (component brand and model) as well, this will help us in fine tuning your requirement.
    • CPU - Intel COREi74790k
    • Motherboard - I will certainly buy a k cpu - and most probably only the COREi7 4790k, and not a locked cpu, when I am to spend so much and not upgrade for 5 years. so only a unlocked cpu, but the thing is I want to not buy a 12k+ mobo only to OC a 4 ghz cpu to 4.5ghz. want also to use my corsair Cx430 psu, so can't OC MUCH. but I really want to cut the cost on a mobo and buying a new psu, and want to buy a reasonable priced mobo which has all good features I have listed in my mobo requirement(see in my mobo details please) and can give a little OC to COREi7 4790k (if only it can give), even when not being a z chipset mobo (I saw even so low priced mobos giving some OC - see below in my MOBO section)
    • GPU - no or very reasonable
    • PSU - psu cx430 want to keep, as dont want much oc, and bought after seeing reviewshttp://www.techenclave.com/community/guides/best-power-supply-units.1/
    • (please mention the rest in above format)
  5. Is this going to be your final configuration or you would be adding/upgrading a component in near future. If yes then please mention when and which component
    • i will not upgrade this for 5 years, but only maybe buy monitor/tv later
  6. Where will you buy this hardware? (Online/City/TE Dealer)
    • delhi
    • Open to online purchase
  7. Would you consider buying a second hand hardware from the TE market
    • maybe no, only a very pretty deal
  8. What is your intended use for this PC/hardware
    • Heavy multitasking - heavy browsing and 1-3 general vms(linux etc.)
    • medium gaming and encoding in near future
  9. Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them and the reason for your preference/dislike.
    • intel buy
  10. If you will be playing games then which type of games will you be playing?
    • Strategy - aoe, Civilization 4, gta, tell more
    • Racing - Grid, nfs, tell more - at medium settings
  11. What is your preferred monitor resolution for gaming and normal usage
    1. Gaming - dont know, gaming I am new
    2. Desktop - 1920x1080
  12. Are you looking to overclock?
    • Yes/No - see MOBO.
  13. Which operating system do you intend to use with this configuration?
    • Windows 7 64 bit and 8/10
Already have ssd samsung 840 pro 256gb and 1 hdd. Want to get storage 4tb more.
I have the config in my mind - Sorry for so long text but I want to specify all my requirements, and want to get these requirements, without upgrading for 5 years. SO PLEASE BEAR WITH ME and help me to get my best config (thanks a lot) -

CPU - Intel core i7 4790K.

MOBO - (Guide me what to buy, very unclear I am on it) - I would like to OC my 4790k to a decent frequency, but I dont want to buy a mobo like ASUS Z97-A priced so big only to get an OC of 4790k from 4ghz to 4.6ghz - just a little OC and so much price to pay. my mobo should have good audio, hdmi, decent amount of usb3 ports (front too so that I can plug my usb3 drive in front in the cabinet), and if it can OC my 4790k to a decent amount while being reasonable in price then I would buy that, inbuilt wifi will be a nice addition (or tell me rate of external wifi device), 4 memory slot (very important), 32gb upto, decent amount of slots for SATA 6Gb/s and SATA 3Gb/s. Note that I want minimum a - Intel® B85 Express Chipset MOBO and can spend higher too, if the mobo told by you guys is better than the b85's.
I saw even so low priced mobos giving some OC - http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews...k-h81m-hds-asus-h81m-e-msi-h91m-e34,4099.html. In that article I also saw this line so I will never buy a H81 mobo, as it has only 2 memory slots and very few SATA 6 ports, . But see this line too on that article - 'The H97 and Z97 chipsets add support for M.2, SATA Express and Thunderbolt, as well as baked-in support for Intel's Haswell refresh.') SO should I buy H97 if its quite better than B85 mobo ?

RAM - 16GB DDR3, and it should be very good and if some priced higher ram makes quite some difference, please tell its model too with price. also tell me whether dual channel is better or 4channel, although I would like to buy 2 8gb sticks, so that I can add more later in the 4 slots. 1600 mhz is a minimum, though tell me if there will be any advantage of higher freq ram.

HDD - I have ssd samsung 840pro 256gb and I dont think I need to buy 850 then, but tell me your thoughts of what improvements have been of 850 (pro even) on 840, as in that case I will buy 850 pro or evo and place this 840 pro on my other pc. for hdd I need 2 to 4tb, preferably 4tb and would like some inputs on all advantages of wdblack over blue - like speed (firefox portable, chrome portable, vms kept on the harddisk) and harddiskfailure probabilities of wdblack vs blue. I can spend on hdd and want best features, as data loss is too big a concern for me (but if hddfailurerate on wddblack is not far less than blue then tell me that too) so please tell me what to buy. also tell me if the speed of ext hdd for normal usage is better than internal hdd, and even a SEAGATE BACKUP PLUS exthdd is better for usage as browsing (with firefox and chrome files kept on the exthdd) than the browser files kept on a internal hdd. and are there any 4tb internal hdds or 4tb external hdds, very good in performance and medium price (i mean not cheap slow hdds and having bad reviews, and not exhorbitant in price too).

CABINET - Brilliant looks, and maybe transparent sides. I can spend much on them but want best looking cabinets, and performancewise as I will not OC much and not game or encode to extreme levels, so dont need fool proof and best for extreme heating cabinets, but just want best looks. led lights and modding - please tell me about them, though these can be added later (I will add them later certainly), and I just need to buy a cabinet with best looks and capable of led lightning and mods. can spend like 4,000 + on them and even upto 9k maximum, but quite lower than 9k would be better for me, filling all the above requirements of best looks, led and mod capability, ok performance.

GPU - As I think, I would add up minor to medium encoding and gaming, would I need a gpu ? If I can get a cheap to reasonable price gpu which fastens encoding by big and reduces encoding time really much, it would be considered to be added into my config. and that can also be good for medium like gaming, but not being too costly. I dont play many games as of now but suggest me some more strategy games (fond of aoe2), and games like nfs, dirt, gta. Are there some other popular and intresting games too being played much, please suggest me their names and thereby related configuration for the gpu.

TV TUNER CARD - I will plug in a tv tuner into my old pc - CORE i3, for watching cricket as ipl and some tv shows, movies. I have tatasky hd connection bought.
Tell me an excellent tv tuner - and please tell me - IS THE QUALITY RECIEVED FROM EXTERNAL TV TUNERS ANY DIFFERENT FROM INTERNAL ONES? A remote for the tuner and brilliant tv display in my monitor or tv from my Tatasky HD, is what output I would like from the tvtuner. also if quality from external tvtuner is same as that of internal then I would prefer an external one.

MOUSE - mouse with many buttons - the more the better, but the buttons should be configurable and easy to click, without accidentally getting other button being pushed instead of the desired one. also only tell wireless ones, and lightweight in use.

KEYBOARD - What I want is a veryvery good looking, soft and with many multimedia keys - wireless keyboard, with good base below keys too - similar base size (below keys) to this - like the keyboards seen on this page - http://www.microsoft.com/hardware/en-us/p/sculpt-ergonomic-desktop, or like the base of Microsoft Sculpt Comfort Keyboard (please see the images in google images) - but the price of my keyboard I would like it to be reasonable. if the base can be added to normal keyboards then please tell me how to buy the base (with any links to online buying or price). tell me a very good keyboard with above listed all features except the base that will be bought extra.

The mouse, tvtuner and keyboard parts dont need immediate models suggestions from you guys, and can buy after 2-4 days, but need to finalize on the other parts quickly and buy within 2-4 days. Really thanks a lot in advance, and do need to get these very soon and in 2-4 days, so please help with fast replies.
This is something you most certainly don't want to hear, but, have you considered waiting a couple of months for SkyLake ? 6700K looks promising, with it will bring a lot of future upgradeability.
You missed a great opportunity. Z97 MB and water cooler were available for a very cheap price in the recent amazon summer sale. Anyway if I were you I would take JMP's advice.. The prices would be most probably comparable.

By the way try and buy z97 series motherboard and stop looking for other motherboards would be my advice. They support 5th gen chips.

Your present ssd will do it for you and don't consider upgrading. By the way you would need a water cooler as you are considering OC.
Ok, z97 mobo any will also work for skylake processors too ? is that confirmed ? please tell me.
but the problem is that I may still go with my above desired config only and neither wait for buying skylake nor buy a priced z97 mobo, just to get a .5 like ghz OC. after spending this amount I wont be able to buy new, and I cant wait that long either. so please give me the input for above desired system, and Thanks for reading my whole wanting pc thread.
No skylake's are 6th gen procs.. z97 supports broadwell (5th gen) and haswell (4th gen). Intel's trick not to support MBs supporting broadwell as they are well aware of the face that the jump will happen from haswell to skylake and broad well will be left out (at least that's what I feel)

Edit- Forgot to mention skylake's are 1151 compatible only
CPU - Intel Xeon E3 1246 v3 -23000,

MOBO - MSI H97 PC Mate -6900,

RAM - Kingston HyperX Fury 1600Mhz 2x8GB -9000,

HDD - WD Caviar 4TB -16700,

CABINET - Antec GX300 Windowed -3800,

GPU - Zotac GTX 970 4GB -28000,

PSU - Seasonic SS650KM3 650w -9000,

TV TUNER CARD - Avermedia AverTV Express 009 (Internal) -2800,

KB Combo - Cooler Master Devastator Gaming Bundle -3000.

TOTAL -1,02,200.
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PSU - if you plan on overclocking then the cx430 might not be the best choice. a seasonic would be ideal due to better quality capacitors.
GPU - since your gaming usage is medium i can suggest a 750ti or a 260x. both are around 10k.
Cabinet - nzxt phantom maybe.
RAM - there is no quad-channel as such, it's either single or double channel so two 8gb sticks will suffice.
HDD - the main difference b/w samsung 850 and 840 ssds is that the 840 suffers from performance issues due to a problem with the new type of memory used. Also, hitachi is said to have the most reliable drives.
CPU- Skylake is slated for launch in the second half of this year and might be worth the wait going by early reports (new arch. as well as fab. process). You could also get a skylake ready mobo and use a cheap cpu in the meantime. Broadwell got delayed and skylake's release has been pushed ahead so broadwell will continue to sell alongside skylake.
If you plan on oc'ing a lot then i suggest you budget for a liquid cooler.
the main difference b/w samsung 850 and 840 ssds is that the 840 suffers from performance issues due to a problem with the new type of memory used. Also, hitachi is said to have the most reliable drives.

The issue was not across the 840 series if I remember it correctly, but only on a few batches. In any case with the latest firmware release the issue has been addressed by samsung.
The issue was not across the 840 series if I remember it correctly, but only on a few batches. In any case with the latest firmware release the issue has been addressed by samsung.
Actually the problem was with the new tlc nand flash memory and so it was a problem on all 840s, however, not all users experienced the problem as it was related to old data.
Samsung released a fix but that did not fully solve the problem after which they released another fix recently. Can't say if the latest fix has worked just yet. will have to wait a few months to see if it crops up again.
The 840 and 840 Evo have TLC NAND. The 840 Pro uses good old MLC NAND and is ok :)

This fix involves another firmware update, this time installing a firmware that periodically refreshes old data rather than the one-off refresh of the performance restoration tool.
Ultimately Samsung’s second fix is a bit of a brute force solution to the problem, but at this point there doesn’t seem to be anything Samsung can do about 19nm TLC cell charge decay other than to refresh the data, as the problem is intrinsic to the NAND itself.
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This is something you most certainly don't want to hear, but, have you considered waiting a couple of months for SkyLake ? 6700K looks promising, with it will bring a lot of future upgradeability.
Broadwell or Skylake for that matter are not worth the wait. Broadwell especially, is a right option for laptop users due to its lower TDP. Performance difference isn't earth shattering.
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