Hello, and I am 'sooo' here !!

Yeah Yeah yea !! <Can It Be any more active !!> !!!:hap2:
Me.. is a BE Mechie working with JSWEnergy and with the erection phase (no pun intended!) of a 1200 MW power plant on the west coast (Ratnagiri-sounds lot different when I say India-west coast):cool2:
/interview question ~ interview answer/ !! hehe.

and rest of the deal with me is,
Humor(duh!), I also am into music. learning to strum the guitar..
Its two years now, and I can play a coupla songs now.. <I compose too,!!>
I am not much outdoorsy.
I got a lappy_with_my_earned_bucks_which_feels_good
I write some stuff too. /started blogging/ do check out:
bhushan's space

I am a true techie/I think you would find it out soon/
I read & evolve.

Thanks for the warm welcome.
my pic is posted too..
/no comments there! / (read:praises) !! lolz.

Good day.
Take care.