

Hi everyone. I was surfing the web looking for sig creation website and i happened upon this site and saw the sig contest. Those things are sweet. Hopefully one of you won't mind me asking you to do something for me?

About me...? I'm 16, live in Ohio near cinncinati. I've been into computers since i got one, racking up proboly around 1200-2000 hours gaming (not including surfing the web and all) in about the last 4 years or so.

Currently as per online/gaming status, i play wolfenstine:enemy-territory (and i'm looking foward to quake-wars), bf2, css. i also have xbox/xbox36 and have halo and halo 2, call of duty 2, madden stuff..........

I did run a clan for two years, and then it just came apart but that happens doesn't it? if you want to see it, check out the site MeN oF VaLoR Clan Site

right now i also hold lead media reporter at the fairly new online fps gaming league HTGN (hostile tactics gaming network www.HTGN.net) so if you want to see any of my work go there and look at the news posts.

also i just decided that after getting all these free ubuntu linux cd's (if u want one just look up ubuntu on google and these have an order form on their site to get them. free s@p and all, its great!), i'm going to build my own pc as i don't feel like screwing around with having a second operating sytem on my current pc.

i just baught a motherboard of of ebay:

Acer Pentium Computer Mother board AOL-5

^^which of corse only costing $5.10 cost $11 to ship as things on ebay do. i relize thats not the greatest motherboard, and hopefully if no one raises the price anymore, in 44 minutes i'll be able to seel the Acer board again, and get a:

NIB DFI LANPARTY UT RDX200 CF-DR CrossFire Motherboard

instead so wish me good luck on that.

anyways great to meet you all and i hope we get to know you alot better.

p.s.(anyone got any ideas on video cards/ram/sound cards/prossesor/ect.. if i get either one? just list what you think. also please note i'm trying to stay under $300. i don't want anything fancy, just something that is reliable, will run fairly well, and will give me the ability to surf the web, download medium size files, and fool around with editing linux and learning c++ and all.)thnx

EDIT: boo someone drove it over $110 and i told myself i wasn't going to go over $100 .... anyone got any ideas for what i should put on the: Acer Pentium Computer Mother board AOL-5 ???????????
Let me be the first to welcome you here mate..
I think you are one of the youngest guys here. .
enjoy your time here...:D