CPU/Mobo Help a hardware noob

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hi guys
i have a p4 2.53 (533 fsb) pc,a 80 gb hdd,512 ram.
my power supply is a microtek aspire ( its written 320 watts on the smps)
i had a geforce 4 mx 420 b4 and i dint have any probs with any games.
i installed a radeon 9800 pro some days back and now whenever i open any game..i get weird graphical glitches and the some really annoying hissing sound comes from the sound output.the whole screen gets corrupted and sumtimes the pc gets stuck.
ive tried reinstalling other drivers but the prob persists.
im attaching a screenie
the +3.3 V used to be at exact 3.3 b4 i installed the radeon and so were the other reading always in the middle.maybe my psu cant handle the radeon?
can anyone help me out..im a hardware nooob
p.s- i have no cdrom ,no fdd , jus a lan card.have two fans in the cabinet..removed them to see whetther the prob went..still the same
Check the card at some other place to see if its working fine or not and yes 320 W seem to be very low. Check it on somebody's PC who has atelast 400 W of supply
ibz if u have a dmm, check the voltage with that but since it was artifacting in ur friend's pc as well i dont think the psu is at fault here. clean the fan heatsink and make sure the fan is running and then reinstall..
oh guys i think i solved it...the molex connecter that was goin to my hdd and the radeon is screwed i think...i used the other ones and now the voltages are back to normal...thanx anywas
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