Help buying from Amazon

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I have selected an Electric Shaver worth $45 from Amazon.

Added the item to cart but don't know the rest!

1) How to contact the seller, for questions, etc.

2) Should I opt for gift wrap?

3) Will amazon ship on itself & take care of duties? Or do I have to use services of SnS, Shopabroad, stc?

4) Hows their return & refund policy?

Lot of queries, noobie here!
teche said:
I have selected an Electric Shaver worth $45 from Amazon.

Added the item to cart but don't know the rest!

Firstly, do keep in mind that Amazon does not ship all items internationally. It may let you add to cart but when you enter your CC details and proceed to check out it might disallow the purchase. Secondly, there are several different Amazon portals(.com/ etc.). They have varying policies so what might be acceptable on one site is totally disallowed on another. You haven't mentioned which Amazon site you are buying the item from.

In any case, head over to this page here - Help: Delivery Destinations

and confirm that the item you are ordering is available for shipping to India. This is from the Amazon UK website. If you are buying from Amazon USA, you need to find the corresponding help page on that site.

teche said:
1) How to contact the seller, for questions, etc.

If the item is shipped by Amazon, you can email them directly after logging into your account and finding the appropriate page. If the item is being shipped by an Amazon marketplace seller, please visit this page - Help: Communicating with Sellers

teche said:
2) Should I opt for gift wrap?

If the item is a gift you are buying/shipping for/to someone else, by all means use the gift wrap option. Its pointless to gift wrap something to yourself.

teche said:
3) Will amazon ship on itself & take care of duties? Or do I have to use services of SnS, Shopabroad, stc?

I am not familiar with the services you mentioned above. If you order an item from Amazon then the courier who delivers the item to you will request you for the duty (if applicable) before he hands over the item. It may well be the same for Amazon Marketplace sellers though I cant confirm this as I have never used Amazon Marketplace for International shipping to India.

In certain specific cases Amazon does handle the duty for you. For eg. - (USA) will notify and charge you duty at the time of purchase if you buy a dutiable item on and ship it to a Canadian address.

4) Hows their return & refund policy?

[quote name='teche']

Abroad - very good. In India, no idea. The cost of shipping an item back to Amazon from India may sometimes equal or exceed its purchase price. Keep that in mind.

Hope that helps....
Thanks, at the same cross-roads again! Duno how to purchase stuff from, do they except Indian Debit cards?

Do they ship the products to India?

Actually need an A-Z guide on how to shop from Amazon & get it delivered to door-step in India!
^ Some Indian debit cards are accepted, if the card is Visa / Mastercard, it might work. For Maestro, the chances are less.

It depends on the item, what exactly are you planning to buy, if you post a link it would be much easier.
First of all, if Amazon won't be able to ship to India, you won't even reach the payment stage, it will say the product can't be shipped.

Anyway Amazon does ship the particular product to India. From the order summary

Order Summary

Items: $329.00

Shipping & Handling: $31.42

Total Before Tax: $360.42

Estimated Tax To Be Collected: $0.00

Import Fees Deposit $112.01

Order Total: $472.43

At the current exchange rate, that is about 24.5k.

Now what you can do is, get it through ICC ShopAbroad, just ask them for a quote here - Welcome To Shop Abroad Online, you can pay in INR. You won't have to worry about anything else. The final price through ICC might be lesser too.
1. Order it directly from Amazon and give your Indian address.

2. Use Aramex Shop N Ship. For this you need to register for an account -- Shop and Ship :: Home, they will provide you with an address. Enter this address on Amazon and make the purchase. Once the item gets delivered to their US location, it will be forwarded to your Indian address. Will cost $10 for first 500 gm and $8 for the subsequent 500 gms. Shipping cost + customs at actuals need to be paid at delivery time.
Thanks, yes now the picture is becoming clearer. So, I shall register to Shopandship. Btw do they have good reviews?

Also with SnS give a quote for shipping + duties first? & do SnS shop the product for you? I mean we pay them here in Indian currency & they make the purchase in return.
You can ask all your queries related to ShopNShip here -- shopnshipindia Go through the threads. No they do not give a quote (may give an approx quote, but is not guaranteed), and they will not purchase the product for you.

I can give you an *approx* landing price

Item Cost - $327.68 (Buy from TigerDirect through Amazon, else there will be about $32 as tax) - Rs 17000

Aramex Shipping cost for 7lbs - $58 - Rs 3135 incl Service Tax

Customs - Rs 3000 (Assuming its 15%, you need to confirm this)

Final Price : ~ Rs 23.5k
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