Graphic Cards Help: Display prob on my 6600GT AGP.....

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Okay im havin a weird prob wit my 6600GT card...
2 days ago i purchased a Vantec Iceberq 5 HSF for my card coz i was havin som heatin probs with the earlier HSF. Installation was proper and i got amazin performance for the next two days..Core temp was bout 48c.. and Ambient was near 41c or somthing...

Seeing this i overclocked my card by 635Mhz for core clock freq and 1.2 Ghz for memory clock freq. Now today mornin whn i started my pc it just shutdown by itself and whn i restarted it the screen was completely filled wit fine colourful dots (still are whn im writin this message)!!!

So i ran troubleshootin on Xp help and decreased the hardware accel by three notches(thus disablin my directdraw and direct3d accels), the dots were gone but they reappeared whnever i scrolled or moved ne application on the desktop...

Thn i downloaded the most recent directx9.0c files and installed thm but tht didnt make ne diff either...
The graphic card doesnt seem to be damaged as im still gettin a constant temp loggin at 48-49c....

So ne tech wizzies out thr can help me wit this prob??
raj404 said:
uced it to its stock values 500/1000..
prob still persists

Seems like the damage is already done. If the card is in warranty, then carefully replace the original HSF and get the card replaced. You overclocked it too much.
So i ran troubleshootin on Xp help and decreased the hardware accel by three notches

You did OverClock, but you don't know a A.B.C of OverClock :@
Even I, who do not OverClock in general, know that if there is any 'colourful dots' after OverClock, one must decrease the speed. Instate you give more stress on the card by running DirectX Test :-[ :bomb:

Just tell me -

1. How many GOOGLE search you did before the OverClock ? I think you didn't even read the TE guide of OverClocking.

2. How did you actually OverClock ? Steps... explain ? or you just DRAG the slider to the MAX ?
Hope you get WARRANTY service. They are intelligent, if they find that HSF and or OverClock both is the cause of the DEATH, you may not get the RMA. :jason:

P.S. I am very very sorry for this rude post. But I just can't see Child-Abuse and PC-Abuse.
lol...a case of doing something without knowledge.. i dont know what to say now..

may be u r card is alredy damaged..i think u shudve not overclocked it so much..means it's just a 6600gt

even i own a gainward 6600gt but never oc it above 550/1000 (my stock is 500/900).....though it's a golden sample edition(meanin one of the finest 6600gts...)cauz i know there has to be some limit..and u always oc step by step to get the best..and not just drag the the max.

i hope u will get a replacement if u carefuly replace the HSF..and take it for RMA
faheem_m said:
lol...a case of doing something without knowledge.. i dont know what to say now..
may be u r card is alredy damaged..i think u shudve not overclocked it so much..means it's just a 6600gt
even i own a gainward 6600gt but never oc it above 550/1000 (my stock is 500/900).....though it's a golden sample edition(meanin one of the finest 6600gts...)cauz i know there has to be some limit..and u always oc step by step to get the best..and not just drag the the max.
i hope u will get a replacement if u carefuly replace the HSF..and take it for RMA

Friend, I think, he just DRAGGED the slider to the MAX :@
See, 500MHz to 635MHz and even without Liquid Nitrogen.
iosoft said:
Friend, I think, he just DRAGGED the slider to the MAX :@
See, 500MHz to 635MHz and even without Liquid Nitrogen.

very true...
@raj404's a advice ..from next time before doing anything that u dont try to take help from others...instead of facing problems later...
i wish u and u r card best of luck..
you oced your 6600 core to 635!?? dude, even when i had a 6600gt the max i oc'ed it was like 550, no WONDER you fried your card. good luck with getting it replaced.
R u guyz kiddin me or wht???

Firstly i DID NOT just drag the slider and maxed the freq..
Thn whn i increased the freq i tested it using riva tuner and it showed fine at those freq...
Also my son played F.E.A.R. for three long hours and the max temp while playin it was 57c which i think was alright!!!! And im sure as long as the temp is under control the card shud not fry.....

which directX tests r u talkin bout here???

decreased the hardware accel by three notches(thus disablin my directdraw and direct3d accels)

Thos three notches r actually in the advanced tab in ur display properties...

dude u got a lower stock memory clock freq thn my Inno3d card which gave me stock 500/1000....
raj404 said:
R u guyz kiddin me or wht???

Firstly i DID NOT just drag the slider and maxed the freq..
Thn whn i increased the freq i tested it using riva tuner and it showed fine at those freq...
Also my son played F.E.A.R. for three long hours and the max temp while playin it was 57c which i think was alright!!!! And im sure as long as the temp is under control the card shud not fry.....

Friend, theres a limit to overclocking too. Just because the card was stable for some limited time in Riva Tuner test doesnt gaurentee that it will run fine for 24/7 use. The overclock you did is very high, but not too high for the results to be visible immediately. The card seems to have got damaged gradually. Its not just about the temperatures. Even with extreme cooling like liquid nitrogen you cannot just keep increasing the clocks.
Moral of the story, Ocing a video is simply not worth it. Face it guys, I dunno abt the newer stock but the days of geforce 2 et all are over where ocing yields were nearly 100%.
The performance benefit you get is simply not worth the risk. Obviously if you are a 3dmark No. freak its a diff story..
Aces170 said:
Moral of the story, Ocing a video is simply not worth it. Face it guys, I dunno abt the newer stock but the days of geforce 2 et all are over where ocing yields were nearly 100%.
The performance benefit you get is simply not worth the risk. Obviously if you are a 3dmark No. freak its a diff story..

Overclocking in itself is not a bad thing to do. A decent overclock may boost the performance a bit. But one should know when to stop. Anything done over the limit will always be bad. Ofcourse people who do it for the numbers sake would care less about the damage to the CPU/GPU. If one is damaged, they will get another one and continue.
Aces170 said:
Moral of the story, Ocing a video is simply not worth it. Face it guys, I dunno abt the newer stock but the days of geforce 2 et all are over where ocing yields were nearly 100%.
The performance benefit you get is simply not worth the risk. Obviously if you are a 3dmark No. freak its a diff story..


Mods...kindly close the thread please
635 on the core for a 6600GT is an overkill , unless u get some voltmods ... !!! it probably has damaged the card ....

Moral of the story, Ocing a video is simply not worth it. Face it guys, I dunno abt the newer stock but the days of geforce 2 et all are over where ocing yields were nearly 100%.

The performance benefit you get is simply not worth the risk. Obviously if you are a 3dmark No. freak its a diff story..

Oye ... what the ??? not worth it ??? with a proper kind of hardware , u can get upto 20% boost in performance at times ...
Look, just go to coolbits (in the NV control pannel) just let it detect the optimum frequencies and downlock it a little more, then leave it there for a few days. Also the driver version for me on a 6600 GT matters alot. Till now Ive found the 77.77 to be the safest and most stable driver for the 6600 GT series. Though the card does run smoothly on other driver versions too but not as smoothly as it does on the 77.77(you can still download it from
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